DrGkill replied to the topic 'Dark frame in internal ekod guiding' in the forum. 6 years ago

That is really cool :)


DrGkill created a new topic ' Dark frame in internal ekod guiding' in the forum. 6 years ago


Is there any option somewhere to enhence dark libraries inside Ekos ?
At the moment it takes only one frame to apply dark substraction. It's not enough and make the image worst than without dark frame. It's so noisy that it often lose guide star (also during calibration process)
I tried to make a master dark with pixinsight and inject it in the dark libraries folder but some metadata may be missing and ekos freezes.

Any idea how it could be done ?

Thanks !


Thanks ! I saw your commit.
Not tested yet but it should work as expected.
I'll let you know.


It's really weird. I sniffed the stargo windows mount control software and actually the exact same command are launched to set dec and ra pulse periods. (X20xx, X21xx).
I will analyze all the conversations before to see if other mode commands are launched ot if it is just a matter of delay getting answers.
Maybe some of you already knows (wolfgang if you have the specs??)


Ok ! Works better with the new firmware.
I uploaded the 5.6.6 firmware.
Setting up pulse time doesn't work for know. I will checkout the codes needed.

[2018-09-24T18:45:44.810 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Avalon StarGo : "[DEBUG] sendQuery :X2040# End:# Wait:2s "
[2018-09-24T18:45:46.777 CEST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Avalon StarGo : "[WARNING] Failed to receive full response: Timeout error. (Return code: -4) "
[2018-09-24T18:45:46.781 CEST INFO ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Avalon StarGo : "[INFO] Setting RA speed to 40%. "
[2018-09-24T18:45:46.782 CEST DEBG ][ org.kde.kstars.indi] - Avalon StarGo : "[DEBUG] sendQuery :X2140# End:# Wait:2s "


@Wolfgang: Ok nice ! did they gave you the full protocol specs !?


@Kengs: Thanks for the script ! I'll try this out.
I don't think Uno and Linear are different from a pure command point of view. It's the same firmware for all stargo mounts.
Only motors have different calibration parameters.
:X590# gives no results for me which may be the major problem, due to a too old firmware.

@Wolfgang: Thanks ! Don't worry, no hurry here. Thank you for answering, as I said I will upgrade the firmware and let you know.

In the same time I contacted Avalon to ask if they can share the protocol with us, It may save a lot of time avoiding reverse engineering the mount. With a bit of luck they may accept sharing the protocol. It's in their interest to make the thing available on all platform especially Indi which may become the next new standard.
If they're afraid to be copied, it's a pity, reverse engineering a clear text commands protocol over serial device is quite easy, plus they took the LX200 as a base so no industry secrets here.


Sure, here it is.


Your version of the driver does not work at all for me. It maybe have to do with the firmware version of the mount. I got a Linear with a pretty old firmware (4.2).
The mount wasn't able to sync home position. Indi claims it has empty response from the mount.
With the wolfgang one, I encounter some issues like : The dec axis never stops when goto.


Hey Kengs !
Thanks ! Didn't saw your PR !
I compiled your version. I will try it asap and let you know about my tests.


Ok ! So tried at home, main feature are working well.
What's not working :

  • Motion control, lots of latency and not useable
  • Joystick not working

As I know a bit of C++ and looked at the source code, I may try to help improving this driver.
Let me know if you accept PR;

Again, thanks for this great work. Love to see Opensource minds are also astronomers :)


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    13. 12. 1980
  • About me
    French amateur astrophotograph.
    T150 + QHY163M On an Avalon Linear Mount.
    Guiding with DO and QHY5LIIM