Hi Jasem,

now it works! :huh:
Yes, also in previous runs kstars was set to be updated time/location by the mount.

I'm talking now about NexStar. all devices connected to RasPi/StellarMateOS.
KStars was executed on RasPi via ssh connection to my laptop running OpenSuse Linux.

What have I done since my last post:
- manually set up the correct coordinates on the HC
- restarted mount/HC unpluged from RasPi
- waiting for "GPS Linked" message on the HC, done it also when behavior was wrong and after that plugged onto RasPi
- same behaviour.
- set up kstars that it will update the mount
- done a few tests, the mount was correctly updated
- gone to lunch :)
- received your reply
- restarted kstars with the option to be updated by mount, done the last tests

attached the requested logs:

File Attachment:

File Name: mount_and_ccd-simulator.txt
File Size: 37 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: mount_and_canon.txt
File Size: 62 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: mount_and_all.txt
File Size: 71 KB

I really don't understand what's going on.


NexStar+ same situation...:S

Noticed in log
org.kde.kstars.indi: INDI Server: "2018-09-28T13:36:43: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: No ISwitch 'OGV' in QHY CCD QHY5II-M-1027e9.CCD_STREAM_RECORDER"
org.kde.kstars.indi: INDI Server: "2018-09-28T13:36:44: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on Celestron GPS.EQUATORIAL_EOD_COORD"
org.kde.kstars.indi: INDI Server: "2018-09-28T13:36:44: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on Celestron GPS.TELESCOPE_INFO"
org.kde.kstars.indi: INDI Server: "2018-09-28T13:36:44: Driver indi_qhy_ccd: snooping on Celestron GPS.GEOGRAPHIC_COORD
is this OK ?




the previous tests with StarSense were done in this simplified config: celestron_gps + CCD simulator.

Last two hours I tried to test with my actual gear: celestron_gps + Canon DSLR + QHY guider + Pegasus DMFC focuer

The config celestron_gps + Canon DSLR works fine, but when I try to add to the profile the rest of the gear: guider and/or the focuser the situation is becoming ridiculous:

Somehow seems that the geographic becomes corrupted.
Instead of Setting location (24.168,45.853), which is correct, I receive Setting location (0.000,51.468) which is a location in the Indian Ocean.

I've done it again and again, restarted the mount and RasPi several times, same result Setting location (0.000,51.468)
Any idea?...

I will do the same with NexStar HC, and i really hope will be different results.


Hi again,

Just pulled from git the fresh code.
I've enabled parking for StarSense:

if (fwInfo.controllerVersion >= MINSTSENSVER)
LOG_INFO("Starsense controller detected.");

Then recompiled indi, and made some tests, they went well:

1. started kstars. started indi, mount was unparked, parked ok in the right position. stopped indi, kstars, no errors

2.1 started kstars. geographic was set at a random location.

2.2.1 started indi, mount was found parked:
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] InitPark Axis1 90.0136 Axis2 90.0132 "
org.kde.kstars.indi: < Celestron NexStar >: < Use Pulse Cmd >

2.2.2 date/time updated correctly:
org.kde.kstars.indi: < Celestron NexStar >: < TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_NS >
org.kde.kstars.indi: < Celestron NexStar >: < TELESCOPE_TIMED_GUIDE_WE >
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <t> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <00 23> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <h> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <0D 3B 0F 09 1C 12 02 01 23> "
org.kde.kstars: Daylight Saving Time active
org.kde.kstars: Next Daylight Savings Time change (Local Time): "Sun Nov 4 02:00:00 2018 GMT"
org.kde.kstars: Next Daylight Savings Time change (UTC): "Sun Nov 4 09:00:00 2018 GMT"

2.2.3 location updated correctly:
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Toggle Debug Level -- Scope Verbose "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Toggle Logging Level -- Messages "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Setting location (24.168,45.853) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <57 2D 33 0A 00 18 0A 06 00> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Configuration successfully saved for GEOGRAPHIC_COORD. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Configuration successfully loaded. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <32AE,3FFA#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 4:45:04,89:58:01) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Configuration successfully saved. "

2.2.4 mount unparked successfully, no errors, mount didn't had any unexpected movement, kstars showed correctly the telescope's center towards NCP

3.1 slew to Polaris:
org.kde.kstars.indi: ISD:Telescope sending coords RA: "02h 56m 06s" ( 2.93508 ) DE: " 89° 20' 19\"" ( 89.3388 )
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Goto RA-DEC( 2:56:06,89:20:20) "

3.2 kstars showed correctly the telescope's center towards Polaris
3.3 smoked a cigarette for 5 minutes :)

3.4 checked the log:
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <2085,3F84#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 3:02:55,89:19:08) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: ISD:Telescope sending coords RA: "02h 56m 06s" ( 2.93508 ) DE: " 89° 20' 19\"" ( 89.3388 )
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <2086,3F84#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 3:02:57,89:19:08) "
3.5 parked the mount:
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Parking to Az (90:00:49) Alt (90:00:47)... "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Goto AZM-ALT ( 90:00:49,90:00:47) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <B4002,4002> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <205E,3FD5#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 3:02:04,89:45:50) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <L> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <1#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <A446,3EA1#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <L> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <0#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <54 00> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Mount tracking is off. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] Configuration successfully saved. "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] RES <37FA,3FFA#> "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[SCOPE] RA-DEC ( 5:14:52,89:58:01) "
org.kde.kstars.indi: Celestron NexStar : "[DEBUG] CMD <E> "
3.6 kstars showed correctly the telescope's center towards NCP

3.7 checked mount's indexes, home position acquired correctly

4. disconnected and stopped indi, set logs to regular, restarted indi, repeated the test, all things went as expected

5. rebooted RasPi, repeated the test, all OK

Should I try to test anything else?

Kind regards,


Hi Jasem,
I have some updates for you:

NexStar +
Tests with NexStar+ were definitely positive. My NexStar version is 5.29
On the other hand as per software.celestron.com/updates/CFM/CFM/F...Revision_History.pdf :
5.28.5300 11/2015 Bug Fix: RS-232 “h” command failures

Maybe is OK to drop from the code the restriction ?


My StarSense version is 1.19.
I'm not a developer but, as far as I can understand, the test below:
if (fwInfo.controllerVersion >= 2.3 && fwInfo.Model != "AVX" && fwInfo.Model != "CGE Pro")

will completely exclude StarSense from start since the latest version of it is 1.19.17055 (see mentioned link).
Also bool CelestronGPS::updateProperties() is affected, by example (line 239) :
if (fwInfo.controllerVersion >= 2.3)
LOG_WARN("Mount firmware does not support track mode.");
I can confirm that I receive all the time this log warn.

If you're considering to adjust the code regarding StarSense I'm glad to help with some testing.

Have a nice day,


Regarding StarSense: I didn't had the time to do thorough tests, I had some mechanical issues with my mount, but I can't confirm yet that StarSense is working OK, i"ve noticed some issues and I think that on the sources are some extra restrictions in addition to the NexStar+, I will check that over the weekend. (I hope)

On the other hand, so far I can tell that NexStar+ works quite OK regarding the GPS module issue if recompiled with && fwInfo.Model != "AVX" removed.
I've noticed this: If kstars was stared and INDI server was started once, stopping the client - and RasPi (StellarMateOS) was kept running, then starting again kstars (locally on RasPi or/and remotelly on other linux client) produced driver error messages complaining about RA coordinates. After disconnect/connect AVX driver from INDI Control Panel, everything was fine. I can live with it ;)

Nevertheless it was only a dry test battery - I've done Only QuickAlign then track to Polaris, but I assume that the driver works just nice. No other errors, no crashes.

I will greatly appreciate a "crash course" or a comprehesive tutorial link on how to :
- connect from a linux shell on serial to the NexStar/StarSense
- issue commands over connected terminal to the HC
It's pure curiosity :)
... for now! :))

Btw, is there a list of dependencies for kstars building on opensuse? cousin google wasn't very helpful



knro wrote: I've updated the driver, can you pull and test it?

Hi Jasem,

Yes, I did it today, worked like a charm , thanks!


Thanks Jasem!

I will do it today and I'll keep you updated about results.


Hi all,

I gathered some logs to better explain what's going on.
The config:
- Celestron Advanded X mount
- NexStar + HC
- StarSense HC
- SkySync GPS module
- StellarMate 1.3.0 OS on a RPI 3 B+
- Kstars:
kstars-bleeding/xenial,now 6:2.9.8+201808180747~ubuntu16.04.1 armhf [installed]
kstars-bleeding-data/xenial,now 6:2.9.8+201808180747~ubuntu16.04.1 all [installed,automatic]
kstars-bleeding-dbg/xenial,now 6:2.9.8+201808180747~ubuntu16.04.1 armhf [installed,automatic]
- libindi:
libindi-data/xenial,now 1.7.4~201808180610~ubuntu16.04.1 all [installed,automatic]
libindi-dev/xenial,now 1.7.4~201808180610~ubuntu16.04.1 armhf [installed]
libindi1/xenial,now 1.7.4~201808180610~ubuntu16.04.1 armhf [installed]
libindicator3-7/xenial,now 12.10.2+16.04.20151208-0ubuntu1 armhf [installed]
libindicator7/xenial,now 12.10.2+16.04.20151208-0ubuntu1 armhf [installed]

1. I've connected the StarSense HC, without align. The INDI control panel output was:
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Device configuration saved.
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Saving device configuration...
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Pulse guiding is enabled.
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Session log file /home/stellarmate/.indi/logs/2018-09-21/indi_celestron_gps/indi_celestron_gps_09:20:38.log
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [WARNING] Mount does not support retrieval of date and time settings.
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Mount is parked.
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [WARNING] Mount firmware does not support track mode.
2018-09-21T09:20:39: [INFO] Starsense controller detected.
2018-09-21T09:20:38: [INFO] Mount model: AVX
2018-09-21T09:20:38: [INFO] Controller version: 1.19
2018-09-21T09:20:38: [INFO] Celestron GPS is online.
2018-09-21T09:20:38: [INFO] Session log file /home/stellarmate/.indi/logs/2018-09-21/indi_celestron_gps/indi_celestron_gps_09:20:38.log
2018-09-21T09:20:38: [INFO] Debug is enabled.

The log is attached as log_starsense.txt

File Attachment:

File Name: log_starsense.txt
File Size: 43 KB

2. I've connected the NexStar+ HC without align. The INDI control panel output was:
2018-09-21T09:54:01: [INFO] Device configuration saved.
2018-09-21T09:54:01: [INFO] Saving device configuration...
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Pulse guiding is enabled.
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Session log file /home/stellarmate/.indi/logs/2018-09-21/indi_celestron_gps/indi_celestron_gps_09:54:00.log
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [WARNING] Mount is NOT aligned. You must align the mount first before you can use it. Disconnect, align the mount, and reconnect again.
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Mount UTC offset is 2.00. UTC time is 2018-09-21T10:53:58
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Mount tracking is off.
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Mount is parked.
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Mount model: GPS Series
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Controller version: 5.29
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Celestron GPS is online.
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Session log file /home/stellarmate/.indi/logs/2018-09-21/indi_celestron_gps/indi_celestron_gps_09:54:00.log
2018-09-21T09:54:00: [INFO] Debug is enabled.

The log is attached as log_nexstar.txt

File Attachment:

File Name: log_nexstar.txt
File Size: 206 KB

3. I've connected the NexStar+ HC after align. The INDI control panel output was:
2018-09-21T10:04:44: [INFO] Device configuration saved.
2018-09-21T10:04:44: [INFO] Saving device configuration...
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Pulse guiding is enabled.
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Session log file /home/stellarmate/.indi/logs/2018-09-21/indi_celestron_gps/indi_celestron_gps_10:04:42.log
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [WARNING] Mount does not support retrieval of date and time settings.
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Mount is unparked.
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Mount model: AVX
2018-09-21T10:04:43: [INFO] Controller version: 5.29
2018-09-21T10:04:42: [INFO] Celestron GPS is online.
2018-09-21T10:04:42: [INFO] Session log file /home/stellarmate/.indi/logs/2018-09-21/indi_celestron_gps/indi_celestron_gps_10:04:42.log
2018-09-21T10:04:42: [INFO] Debug is enabled.

The log is attached as log_nexstar_after_align.txt

File Attachment:

File Name: log_nexstar_after_align.txt
File Size: 39 KB

On the other hand, I've read on other threads that is possible to connect via minicom to the mount and issue some commands, by example to query the time/location from the gps module. I have a doc (NexStar_AUX_Commands_10.pdf, author Andre Paquette), with comands accepted by Celestron NexStar.
Unfortunately I've have no idea how to issue the commands, if possible please give me some quick instructions. So far I've tried to use minicom on /dev/ ttyUSB1 (/dev/mount) but I'm stuck in the front of the terminal, no output and I have no idea how to send commands, thanks in advance.


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