David replied to the topic 'Can’t connect to my mount' in the forum. 6 years ago

The installed KStars version is 2.9.8, the INDI Server coming with it identifies as INDI Library 1.7.4 with Code $Rev$. Protocol 1.7.

About the missing ‚e‘, I guess it is only truncated. I was able to start the server with „./indiserver -v ./indi_eqmod_telescope“ from within „/Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi“. If I start it w/o qualifying the path for indi_eqmod_telescope I get the above mentioned error message. The local directory is not configured as path in my environment.

With this I was I’m able to start the INDI Control Panel and connect successfully to the mount.
Still not able to connect afterwards in CdC to the mount but this I will follow up with CdC :-)

But why am I not able to start the server from cmd line with the INDI Server version downloaded from www.cloudmakers.eu/indiserver/ ?

I’m currently trying to setup the environment to build the latest server version myself and maybe being able to debug.
Will report how this goes.


David replied to the topic 'Can’t connect to my mount' in the forum. 6 years ago

OK, I played around a little bit more and I guess my issue is with the INDI Server (version or the startup) and not CdC (thou I will try to look in this direction as well)

I started the INDI Server via KStars (Tools -> Device Manager -> Select EQMod -> Run Local) and then I was able to get in the CdC device list EQMod and was also able to connect to / control the mount from CdC.

I can see a difference between the indiserver coming with KStars and coming with INDI Server GUI.
To further analyze I want to start the indi server via cmd line but was not able to:

KStar indi server executable started via:
/Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indiserver -v /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescope

2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: pid=4125 rfd=3 wfd=6 efd=7
2018-09-12T11:00:34: listening to port 7624 on fd 4
2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: 2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: execlp: No such file or directory
Child process 4125 died
2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: stderr EOF
2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: restart #1
2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: pid=4126 rfd=0 wfd=6 efd=7
2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: 2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: execlp: No such file or directory
Child process 4126 died
2018-09-12T11:00:34: Driver /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indi_eqmod_telescop: Terminated after #10 restarts.
2018-09-12T11:00:34: good bye

The KStars indiserver called w/o any arguments shows the following usage output:

Usage: /Applications/kstars.app/Contents/MacOS/indi/indiserver [options] driver [driver ...]
Purpose: server for local and remote INDI drivers
INDI Library: 1.7.4
Code $Rev$. Protocol 1.7.

INDI Server GUI indi server executable started via:

2018-09-12T11:04:56: startup: /Applications/INDI Server.app/Contents/MacOS/indiserver -v /Applications/INDI Server.app/Contents/MacOS/indi_eqmod_telescope
switching stderr to /Users/xyz/Library/Logs/indiserver.log

Logfile contains:

#2018-09-12T11:04:56: listening to port 7624 on fd 3
2018-09-12T11:04:56: open(/tmp/indiserverFIFO): No such file or directory.
2018-09-12T11:04:56: good bye

Creating the FIFO file via mkfifo /tmp/indiserverFIFO did not change anything.
INDI Server GUIs indiserver does not show any usage information if called w/o arguments.

How would I start the INDI Server & EQMod driver manually / which environment settings are needed?


David replied to the topic 'Can’t connect to my mount' in the forum. 6 years ago

PL2303 is needed as the Shoestring EQDIR is having a Serial Port on both sides like the attached one

Installed KStars and there I can connect to the mount using the local mode in the device manager.

Now what is missing when trying to connect via CdC?
Not sure if I read somewhere that I need to enter GPS data before being able to connect to the mount via EQMOD. Could the issue be in this area?


David replied to the topic 'Can’t connect to my mount' in the forum. 6 years ago

First I installed FTDIUSBSerialDriver_v2_4_2 driver but after checking the chip on my USB2Serial via system information I got and installed PL2303_MacOSX_1_6_1_20171018 from Prolific. I removed FTDI driver via pkgutil command / had not even tried with FTDI driver to connect via INDI to the mount.

USB2Serial identifies as:

Produkt-ID: 0x2303
Hersteller-ID: 0x067b (Prolific Technology, Inc.)
Version: 3.00
Geschwindigkeit: Bis zu 12 MBit/s
Hersteller: Prolific Technology Inc.
Standort-ID: 0x00120000 / 13


David created a new topic ' Can't connect to mount' in the forum. 6 years ago

I'm new to using INDI and somehow can't manage to connect via CDC (Client) -> Indi Server -> Indi Driver (EQmod or Synscan) to my mount.

I'm running Mac OS 10.13, CDC 4.0-3575, Indi Server 2.7.0 (1.7.0) and tried EQMod Mount (0.3) and Orion Atlas (1.0)
As HW I have the Orion Atlas EQ-G GoTo, Shoestring's EQDIR and Prolific Technology USB to Serial with installed PL2303 v1.6.1 driver.

HW / Cables are OK as I tried EQMac -> USB2Serial -> EQDIR -> Atlas Mount successfully

My understanding:
To use EQMod driver I connect USB2Serial -> EQDIR -> Atlas Mount directly
To use Synscan driver I connect USB2Serial -> Synscan HC -> Mount

When adding EQMod to the Indi Server it shows yellow in the INDI server app and is not visible in CDC after hitting "Connect and get server list".

Shows green in INDI Server and selectable in CDC. Power up mount and initialize / do alignment via HC. Select PC Direct Mode (also tried w/o this step) and connect Mac via USB2Serial and SynScan Cable to HC. Then I open the INDI gui panel and entered as port /dev/cu.usbserial (alternatively tried with /dev/tty.usbserial as well) and always receive (with debug information active):

[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.usbserial
[DEBUG] Port FD 9
[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake...
[INFO] Synscan Mount not responding
[DEBUG] Handshake failed.
[WARNING] Communication with /dev/cu.usbserial @ 9600 failed. Starting Auto Search...
[DEBUG] Trying connection to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port @ 9600 ...
[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
[DEBUG] Port FD 10
[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake...
[INFO] Synscan Mount not responding
[DEBUG] Handshake failed.

If I try to connect a second time w/o changing anything I receive:

[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
[ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port). Error: Port failure Error: Resource busy. Check if device is connected to this port.
[WARNING] Communication with /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port @ 9600 failed. Starting Auto Search...
[DEBUG] Trying connection to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port @ 9600 ...
[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
[ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port). Error: Port failure Error: Resource busy. Check if device is connected to this port.

Now it is not even trying to connect to /dev/cu.usbserial

What am I doing wrong?

Thanks for you help,


David created a new topic ' Can’t connect to my mount' in the forum. 6 years ago

I’m new to INDI trying to connect my Mac to my Orion Atlas EQ-G Goto mount.
Unfortunately I had no success so far.

My assumption:
I can connect via EQMod driver directly to the mount or I can use Orion Atlas driver to connect the the mount’s HC

HW in place:
Orion Atlas EQ-G Goto, PL-2303 USB-to-Serial Cable, Shoestring EQDIR

SW in place:
MacOS 10.13, CdC 4.0-3575, INDI Server 2.7.0 (1.7.0), Orion Atlas driver 1.0, EQMod 0.3, PL-2303 driver v1.6.1

HW (Mount, USB2Serial, EQDIR) seems to be OK, as I was able to connect via EQMac to the mount.

Connect attempt via EQMod Mount driver:
Failing very early as the driver shows a yellow status in the INDI server list. EQMod not showing up after hitting „Connect and get device list“ within CdC

Connect attempt via Orion Atlas driver:
Power up of the Mount —> Initialize & Align Mount via HC —> Activate PC Direct Mode in HC —> Connect Mac via USB2Serial and Orion Serial Cable to HC.
Now I get SynScan to select as telescope in CdC. Within INDI GUI the right port is selected /dev/cu.usbserial (also tried with /dev/tty.usbserial…) leaving all options default (for this post I increased debug information) and try to connect:

[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.usbserial
[DEBUG] Port FD 7
[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake...
[INFO] Synscan Mount not responding
[DEBUG] Handshake failed.
[WARNING] Communication with /dev/cu.usbserial @ 9600 failed. Starting Auto Search...
[DEBUG] Trying connection to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port @ 9600 ...
[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
[DEBUG] Port FD 8
[DEBUG] Connection successful, attempting handshake...
[INFO] Synscan Mount not responding
[DEBUG] Handshake failed.

If I try to connect agin right away I now receive:

[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
[ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port). Error: Port failure Error: Resource busy. Check if device is connected to this port.
[WARNING] Communication with /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port @ 9600 failed. Starting Auto Search...
[DEBUG] Trying connection to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port @ 9600 ...
[DEBUG] Connecting to /dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port
[ERROR] Failed to connect to port (/dev/cu.Bluetooth-Incoming-Port). Error: Port failure Error: Resource busy. Check if device is connected to this port.

It is not trying to connect to usbserial any longer….

I also tried to connect with Orion Atlas driver directly with EQDIR w/o HC, also w/o success.

What am I doing wrong?
Any help appreciated.



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