Okay, everyone, thanks for your help and for the info. I finally got it working. I have a Unihedron SQM on one of my machines and for the life of me, couldn't get it to come up properly. That is, until I went into the SQM config XML file in ~/.indi and did the following manual edits:
- Change the device name from /dev/ttyUSB0 to /dev/sqm (my udev symlink name)
- Change the AUTO_DETECT selections from ENABLED to DISABLED
- Change the baud rate from 9600 to 115200

Perhaps if I had known about the baud rate up front, the auto-detection may have worked. I did not go back to retest.

I don't even know yet what device I have camping on ttyUSB0, but that's the point of this whole discussion, I needed to reference my SQM device symbolically (via udev) so that I could find the correct port; auto-detection was not working, and setting port settings via the GUI did not seem to work no matter how I tried.


Yeah, I hadn't found that tutorial before; That looks like the info that I've been missing. I do have udev rules set up on my systems, but getting the INDI config to save my overrides seems to be the crux of my issue.


Sorry for the slow follow-up. This looks like exactly what I need.


Do you know if this works for remote INDI connections as well? I had seen that and tried it, but it seems most of the time it just ignores the "SET" button when I click it and does nothing. I guess I need to find the error logs and see if I can figure out why.


As I continue to build out my observatory and add devices, I'm getting swamped by all the gadgets that use FTDI serial devices (or something equivalent) yielding an arbitrary "ttyUSB??" device assignment. I know how to use udev in Linux to create symlinks by serial number (which many do not have) or by physical port number, but is there a way to tell the various INDI drivers to look at a specific device name (/dev/focuser, for example, being a symlink to ttyUSB2)? Or is there some other way to disambiguate these devices so that everything works properly? My workaround is to add more Pi's, NUC's, etc. for these gadgets, and that just gets old, and somewhat klunky!


Doug Pontius replied to the topic 'How to set park position' in the forum. 6 years ago

I think I figured it out on my own. Instead of unbinding the clutches and setting the park position, I started with the normal park position at NCP, disabled horizon limits, and then slewed to "N" on the horizon. Set current, write data, and it looks like I got the behavior that I needed.


Doug Pontius replied to the topic 'How to set park position' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks for this info. My use case is a bit different. I am setting up my roll-off observatory, and I need to park in a location that is not the NCP, basically staring at the horizon so that the roof does not hit my OTA. Are there any instructions or guidelines for doing this?

I used the "Set Current" and then did a slew and a park and it went back to where I wanted it to, but the kstars screen display thinks I'm parked on the NCP.



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