
after some hiatus, I started doing some astro-imaging again this year. So I compiled latest INDI and kstars, and (with some struggling from not remembering things....) got running. Like usual, I only watched the first hour and then went to bed, having EKOS do the work :) (this was only using the capture module, not the scheduler)

I'm now looking at the data and noticed that something went wrong when the meridian flip limit was reached during an auto focus session: The log has a notice that MF is planned, but it did not start after the AF was done. Instead, after a short time the mount did the flip itself (but without doing an align run). This was of course also stopping the guiding.
It stayed in that state (MF planned) for about an hour, until the sequence I was running finished. Only then it reported MF done. This again overlapping with the AF run of the next sequence. That one finished successfully, and directly started acquisition of the first frame. Only after that first frame, the alignment-after-MF was triggered, which eventually also restarted guiding.

Attached are kstars log and analyze data of that run. Maybe it helps to figure out if that was a bug or my fault....