Matt created a new topic ' Ekos and Device not in kstars tool menu' in the forum. 6 years ago


I picked up a Rock Pi 4Rock Pi 4 to run Ekos. The only desktop linux distribution available is Debian, so I'm trying to build indilib and kstars from source to get it up and running.

I've got kstars built and installed but my issue is that 'Ekos' and 'Device' are not appearing in the 'Tools' menu. Also, the INDI toolbar is empty. My issue sounds very similar to the one reported by Robert in this thread. . However, I"m not able to see what the ultimate solution in that case was.

I believe I have followed the directions appropriately. It's a fresh install of Debian with libindi and kstars installed to ~/Projects as per the directions from Jasem found here. .

After having this issue on the Rock Pi, I installed a Debian 9.6 VM on my laptop to see if I could get Ekos working properly on an x86/amd64 system. However, that process had the same outcome -- kstars installed and loaded but without Ekos or Device in the Tools menu and an empty INDI toolbar.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!! Let me know if more information is needed to figure out what I did wrong :P

Best regards