stefanz replied to the topic 'QHY Driver: Testing required' in the forum. 5 years ago


It is well known that this is an SDK issue. I identified the buggy SDK versions in this older post in this thread

Obviously QHY released several SDK releases without testing them. Very poor quality -- not just the software ...

BTW, I also submitted some patches to version 1.8.3 which where not considered:

Regards Stefan


stefanz created a new topic ' Snooping issues, paches to 1.8.3' in the forum. 5 years ago


for me, a few things in the indi package does not work as desired (I already reported some of the issues in the past) and I therefore use a patched version. I attached these patches for the latest version. Maybe some one wants to apply them to the main repository.

Changes are:

  • Camera drivers now support snooping from J2000 coordinates. In practice telescopes are usually synced to J2000 coordinates (I cant imagine a situation where mount is synced to EOD coordinates). My software therefore correctly uses the 'EQUATORIAL_COORD' property. The patch now also snoops this coordinates and prefers them if both kinds are delivered. (If libindi converts EOD to J2000, the difference seem to be quite large, a few arcmin. I'm not sure whether this is correct.)
  • The EOD -> J2000 conversion now moved to 'addFITSKeywords()' and thus updated per image if the loop capture function is used (enabled to, I make heavy use of it)
  • Names of the driver I use are now script compatible and unique if possible (I use indi_getprop and indi_setprop for device control)



Gonzothegreat wrote: I'd like to run a little imaging competition, just for the fun of it.
All images must be taken using Indilib.
30 seconds unguided <-- screenshot must be provided of Ekos
data captured between the challenge start and end date
1 single submission of the image, no multiple entries

What is the challenge? Using Ekos? ;-)

I have a mount with absolute encoders and I could take 15min with tracking error less than seeing. But I do not use Ekos ...

Regards Stefan


stefanz replied to the topic 'QHY Driver: Testing required' in the forum. 5 years ago


there is indeed some testing required -- by QHY. I'ts an issue of their SDK.

With the latest sources (QHY SDK 6.0.5) and my QHY163M the regulation stops after a while and the PWM value get stuck.

I rebuilt the driver with SDK 6.0.1. (had to comment out a new feature). Now it works, but its unstable: the PWM value jumps between a few percent and 90%. Because at least the 163's have a lot of power supply induced noise that's no solution.

I'll test which version is stable and send a report.

Regards Stefan


stefanz created a new topic ' General driver naming issues' in the forum. 6 years ago


I'm currently setting up my observatory using INDI and recognized a few trivial issues which limit usability of INDI:

  1. Avoid whitespaces in driver names. These cause a lot of trouble in shell scripts (using indi_setprop and indi_setprop) and even make certain things impossible.
  2. Try to make driver names unique, i.e. include a unique identifier whenever it is available, (serial number of the USB protocol or another identifier). Imagine a setup where you have two filter wheels of the same kind connected to one PC. Even the USB bus number would be more helpful then a count (I found one in the ASI filter wheel driver).

For example Moravian cameras have a unique number. Please replace
snprintf(name, MAXINDINAME, "MI CCD %s", sp);
snprintf(name, MAXINDINAME, "MI_CCD_%s-%d", sp, cameraId);
in line 202 of mi_ccd.cpp


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