Masini replied to the topic 'Re:Astrometry to fetch Comets' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your reply.

What you describe it's what I'm doing, I localize a star in the solved picture, then I slew the scope to have the star centered in the view, I go back to the map and search for the star that I center and follow, then I click right and sync the telescope and kstars.
From there, if I take a new picture, do I have to go back to the external solver or EKOS will solve the picture internally ?

Hope this is comprehensive.



Masini created a new topic ' Astrometry to fetch Comets' in the forum. 4 years ago


My equipment's are the followings:
AZEQ6 - Meade SC 10" - KStars/Ekos/Indi on a tinker board/Ubuntu 18.04 _ Capture images with Sony Alpha 7S

Since two weeks I do have some issues with my AZEQ6, one motor prevents to perform the correct 3 stars triangulation but tracking is ok.
So I'v decided to find a procedure to use the polar alignment tool and astrometry tool of ekos to route the telescope to a comet position (C/2019 Y4) or any position in the sky.

I did the polar alignment, it works perfectly. I test the accuracy by pointing a bright star anywhere in the sky and activating the sideral tracking - OK zoomed star remains perfectly centered on the APN's view.

Now I need your help to accomplish the following:

1- I manually point the area of the comets by unblocking the RA and DEC locks - OK
2- I took a picture of the area the telescope is currrently pointing and 've submitted the pict to that returns me the names of objects. (the comet is not in the field otherwise it would be a chance !)

From there I would like to resync kstars and shows the position where the telescope is pointing by using the picture I took. My understanding is that I can't use directly the astrometry module of KStars because it don't know where I'm pointing in KStars so astrometry is not resolving.

I plan to use the load and slew function but from there I'm a bit lost. Do I have to park the telescope at the current position ?

Thanks to help by providing a procedure to find any object in the sky by using the astrometry module either local or external.



Masini replied to the topic 'Sony A7s erratic behaviour' in the forum. 5 years ago

Still no answer, comment on this?



Masini created a new topic ' Sony A7s erratic behaviour' in the forum. 5 years ago


Some months ago I reported a well known problem using Sony A7s that I understand was due to libgphoto2 not reporting back the list of shutter speeds to the shutter widget.
Then I decided to stop using the indi-ekos-kstar suite waiting for libgphoto2 next releases.
Now I'm back testing the all things and I found that while libgphoto2 is returning the list of shutter speeds, the indi_sony_ccd app is allowing me to take greater than 1 second captures only in BULB mode.
We all (astronomers) know that the BULB mode is a "star eater" mode ..... so we do prefer to work with 30" poses that we can stack.

I don't know if I'm using the software in the most appropriated way so I detail the process:

- Power on the sony alpha 7 in S mode - Shutter speed not in BULB
- Start the indi server and start the connection with Bulb mode not forced
- I start capturing pictures with shutter speed < 1 sec

If I try shutter speeds > than 1 sec it doesn't change the speeder speed of the Sony itself.

To capture picture > than 1 sec I have to setup the BULB mode on the Sony camera and to parameter the forced Bulb mode within the indi configurator.
I forgert to say that I do have to relaunch the indi server otherwide the process hangs.

Is this all the appropriated way to work within indi?

Thanks for your support.


Masini replied to the topic 'Indi_sony_ccd crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago


Do you think this problem will get a chance to be solved?
Is there a workaround that could be applied without a code modification?

Thanks for supporting.


Masini created a new topic ' Indi_sony_ccd crashes' in the forum. 6 years ago


I'm currently running the kstar-Ekos-Indi package on a tinker.
Since two weeks, I'm trying to control my sony Alpha7s without success.
My config is : Ubuntu 16.04 xenial - Kstars 2.9.6 -
INDI Library: 1.7.3
Code $Rev$. Protocol 1.7.

gphoto2 2.5.17 gcc, popt(m), exif, no cdk, no aa, no jpeg, no readline
libgphoto2 2.5.9 all camlibs, gcc, ltdl, EXIF
libgphoto2_port 0.12.0 gcc, ltdl, no USB, serial without locking
issue: indiserver starts normally and detects the alpha7s but the capture does not work at all returing the following messages:
018-06-09T13:14:12: [ERROR] Error starting exposure
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [ERROR] Failed to set widget shutterspeed configuration (Bad parameters)
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure.
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [ERROR] Error starting exposure
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [ERROR] Failed to set widget shutterspeed configuration (Bad parameters)
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure.
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [ERROR] Error starting exposure
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [ERROR] Failed to set widget shutterspeed configuration (Bad parameters)
2018-06-09T13:14:12: [INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure.
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [ERROR] Error starting exposure
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [ERROR] Failed to set widget shutterspeed configuration (Bad parameters)
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure.
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [ERROR] Error starting exposure
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [ERROR] Failed to set widget shutterspeed configuration (Bad parameters)
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure.
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [ERROR] Error starting exposure
2018-06-09T12:59:15: [ERROR] Failed to set widget shutterspeed configuration (Bad parameters)
2018-06-09T12:59:14: [INFO] Starting 1 seconds exposure.
2018-06-09T12:58:59: [INFO] Device configuration applied.
2018-06-09T12:58:59: [INFO] Upload settings set to client only.
2018-06-09T12:58:59: [INFO] Loading device configuration...
2018-06-09T12:58:59: [INFO] Detected Sony Corporation Model ILCE-7S.
2018-06-09T12:58:59: [INFO] Sony DSLR Alpha-A7S (Control) is online.
2018-06-09T12:58:59: [WARNING] Shutter speed widget does not have any valid data (count=0). Using fallback speeds...
2018-06-09T12:58:57: [INFO] Debug is enabled.

Thanks for supporting.


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    08. 08. 1957
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    Astro - Programmer