Thank you This document are exactly what I need


To the attention of Jasem
I have developped a program who generates a set of XML file of sequence
and of plannification for a night of capture of images. See attachment
To have a robust interface between created files and KSTARS I would need
informations specifying the structure of those files by exemple DTD).

Where can I find that informations for the different version of KSTARS.

Beforehand thankyou


Revellat created a new topic ' Astroberry : Horizon Limits problem' in the forum. 4 years ago


I am using Kstars with a computer or with an RPI4 and Astroberry:
With Astroberry I have a problem :
I have regularly a message :"Horizon Limits :Abort Tacking. If I look the value In the Mount tab of Kstars and in the Tab of the mount the value seems to be correct looking the position of the mount. But in the window à the bottom the value of "Azi" ant " are differentand not correct.
It seems that this non correct values are use to decide to Abort tracking, Slewing and Goto. See the image added at this post.

If with the SAME SET UP and the SAME VERSION OF KSTARS but using my computer every thing is PERFECT!!
The unique solution I found is to told "abort tracking", "abort Slewing" and "Abort Goto" in tab "Horizon" of the mount. I would prefer a true solution



Revellat replied to the topic 'Focusing a Nikon D7000' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thank you for this answer but I forgot one thing :
I use my Nikon D7000 with its lens. Must I set the command "autofocus" on the camera and on the lens?



Revellat created a new topic ' Focusing a Nikon D7000' in the forum. 6 years ago

I try to use Ekos with a Nikon D7000. I can take picture but cannot use focusing. I don't found documentation for focusing.

How must be use the tab "Focus" in Indi control manager?
Is it possible to command "on" and "off" the live view of this APN ?



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