Hi All,

Sorry about the late reply, I've been having other issues of late with my setup.

The issue is has been solved for me using the ethernet cable rather than USB which I probably would recommend to anyone else in my situation. Now the target showing the mount does not move an inch and starts from Park 3 perfectly.

Thank you all very much for your help.


knro wrote: Are you using stable or nightly PPA? There were fixed for this in the nightly PPA.. didn't make it yet to stable.

I wasn't at the time, I have tried it tonight and unfortunately the same issue persists.

Placing coordinates into the custom park positions for the southern celestial pole, rather than from Park, results in the mounts in-ability to slew to that position.

I haven't previously had problems with the eqmod INDI drivers for the EQ6. Only when I upgraded to the AP1100 has this problem occurred.



Hi All,

I'm currently running a AP1100 mount running the latest GTO4 firmware (VCP4-P01-11). I am currently located in the southern hemisphere.

Starting INDI, un-parking from Park 3 leaves the mount pointing Northwards at -27 degrees azimuth (under the horizon). I am in the southern hemisphere, so the mount is pointing in the opposite direction to the south celestial pole (southwards and upwards at 27 degrees). This leaves the mount un-able to perform a correct slew and unable to know where it is.

Parking the mount in Park 3 also presents a similar problem, as I assume that it parks in the same position below the horizon. When trying to make a custom Park 3. Setting the park system to a custom park position also of +27 degrees and 360, 180 or 0 degrees of azimuth also gives incorrect parking slews to below the horizon.

The debug output for the Unpark and Park Sequence is below.


INFO 16.952427 sec : Session log file /home/ubuntu/.indi/logs/2018-05-08/indi_lx200ap_experimental/indi_lx200ap_experimental_10:36:24.log
INFO 46.607960 sec : Servo Box Controller: GTOCP4.
INFO 46.608129 sec : Firmware Version: 'V' - P01-11
INFO 46.608216 sec : Firmware level 'V' detected - driver loaded.
INFO 46.608299 sec : This is an _EXPERIMENTAL_ driver for Astro-Physics mounts - use at own risk!
INFO 46.608384 sec : BEFORE USING PLEASE READ the documentation at:
INFO 46.608452 sec : indilib.org/devices/telescopes/astrophysics.html
INFO 46.655781 sec : AstroPhysics Experimental is online.
INFO 46.799472 sec : Site location updated to Lat -27:29:59 - Long 153:10:01
INFO 46.801853 sec : Mount is unparked.
INFO 46.808997 sec : Debug is disabled.
INFO 46.895079 sec : Site location updated to Lat -27:29:59 - Long 153:10:01
INFO 47.918144 sec : Time updated.
WARNING 47.951022 sec : Mount is not yet initialized.
INFO 47.982518 sec : Unparking from last parked position...
INFO 47.982657 sec : Mount is unparked.
INFO 48.063059 sec : Site location updated to Lat -27:29:59 - Long 153:10:01
INFO 158.252054 sec : Slewing to RA: 14:30:09 - DEC: -83:44:57
INFO 164.148605 sec : Slew is complete. Tracking...
INFO 221.197931 sec : Parking is in progress...
INFO 238.565428 sec : Parking aborted.
INFO 238.565833 sec : Slew/Track aborted.
INFO 330.446194 sec : Slewing to RA: 5:51:43 - DEC: -89:59:59
INFO 332.651529 sec : Slew/Track aborted.
INFO 359.493037 sec : Slewing to RA: 6:49:37 - DEC: -89:59:57
INFO 378.293307 sec : Slew/Track aborted.
INFO 388.587618 sec : AstroPhysics Experimental is offline.


Hi All,

I'm currently located in the Southern Hemisphere using an AP1100GTO running the latests GTO4 firmware.

Currently when starting up (un-parking) the mount using the experimental AP drivers from Park 3, KStars registers it's position as pointing north and below the horizon at -27 degrees. This is in the complete opposite direction to where the mount is pointing.

Parking to Park 3, gives a similar result where the mount goes to point well below the horizon. Setting a custom parking position using positive altitude/latitude (+27), so it will be above the horizon and using 0, 180 and 360 degrees also gives incorrect (read:below horizon) results.

I do not have this problem with the Astrophysics Simulator whatsoever.

I have generated a debug log when in-parking, slewing to delta octanis and parking which should hopefully help throw some more light on the situation.

Thank you very much for your help.


INFO 16.952427 sec : Session log file /home/ubuntu/.indi/logs/2018-05-08/indi_lx200ap_experimental/indi_lx200ap_experimental_10:36:24.log
INFO 46.607960 sec : Servo Box Controller: GTOCP4.
INFO 46.608129 sec : Firmware Version: 'V' - P01-11
INFO 46.608216 sec : Firmware level 'V' detected - driver loaded.
INFO 46.608299 sec : This is an _EXPERIMENTAL_ driver for Astro-Physics mounts - use at own risk!
INFO 46.608384 sec : BEFORE USING PLEASE READ the documentation at:
INFO 46.608452 sec : indilib.org/devices/telescopes/astrophysics.html
INFO 46.655781 sec : AstroPhysics Experimental is online.
INFO 46.799472 sec : Site location updated to Lat -27:29:59 - Long 153:10:01
INFO 46.801853 sec : Mount is unparked.
INFO 46.808997 sec : Debug is disabled.
INFO 46.895079 sec : Site location updated to Lat -27:29:59 - Long 153:10:01
INFO 47.918144 sec : Time updated.
WARNING 47.951022 sec : Mount is not yet initialized.
INFO 47.982518 sec : Unparking from last parked position...
INFO 47.982657 sec : Mount is unparked.
INFO 48.063059 sec : Site location updated to Lat -27:29:59 - Long 153:10:01
INFO 158.252054 sec : Slewing to RA: 14:30:09 - DEC: -83:44:57
INFO 164.148605 sec : Slew is complete. Tracking...
INFO 221.197931 sec : Parking is in progress...
INFO 238.565428 sec : Parking aborted.
INFO 238.565833 sec : Slew/Track aborted.
INFO 330.446194 sec : Slewing to RA: 5:51:43 - DEC: -89:59:59
INFO 332.651529 sec : Slew/Track aborted.
INFO 359.493037 sec : Slewing to RA: 6:49:37 - DEC: -89:59:57
INFO 378.293307 sec : Slew/Track aborted.
INFO 388.587618 sec : AstroPhysics Experimental is offline.


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