
this is my first time here!
I like the INDI Tools with KStars. Good work!

I have the following problem when trying to get a preview with my ASI120MM
-> KStars - EKOS - CCD - Preview
i could see a short time the Fitsviewer Window. This windows is closiing very fast, again and again (loop)

the message in the terminal withmy standard user:

org.kde.kstars.fits: Loading FITS file "/tmp/fitstOsfJY"

FITSIO status = 104: could not open the named file
failed to find or open the following file: (ffopen)
org.kde.kstars.fits: "Die Datei /tmp/fitstOsfJY kann nicht geƶffnet werden. Fehler could not open the named file"
org.kde.kstars.ekos.capture: "Capture failed. Check INDI Control Panel for details."

I have got a RASPI3, Ubuntu Mate. ZWO ASI is connected to USB, INDI-Server started with ini_asi_ccd
I run kstars on my PC.
!!!When using "sudo kstars" i dont get this error.

Something must be wrong with standard user and the permissions...i think

Thanks for help in advance



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    09. 05. 1973
  • About me
    I like INDI