pask replied to the topic 'New Driver: Pegasus UPB' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello Jasem, all indilib contributors & users !

I am just seeing this post and another older discussion on that UPB driver, and I have a little question :
The driver looks very fine and I have some friends using it.
The previous product of this company was "Intelli Power Box" which has almost same features and a very similar software is existing (for Windows and Android, but not on linux)
I am unfortunately the owner of one of this "older" box (which work very fine). The main difference is a connection thourgh BlueTooth rather than USB.
I sucessfully connect the device in bluetooth and get it as a "virtual" serial port (rfcomm1 for example).

Seems the UPB driver (ultimate Power Box) crashes when i try to connect it (i would suppose due to the fact it is awaiting a USB connexion and not a serial ?)
Do you know it would be easily possible to use that driver in a different way to connect to the serial port of that box ?

I am sure many users of IPB would be interested to make it work as the UPB.. and if i can help in some ways i would be happy

Best regards,