I am trying to figure out if its possible to capture frame or video in commandline with the indi_asi_ccd driver? Is there a way to define a ROI and adjust gain and exposure setting and then capture from CLI ?
I am trying to boost my maximum achivable framerate and I tough removing the GUI from the euqation might help a bit.
Do you have another idea?
With my asi224mc, while reducing the ROI to something manageble to keep the planet in the field, I can get to 125 fps max at 8bit raw.
I am trying to squeeze more from what the usb3 bandwidht permis
any tough?
thank you


Daniel Lorenzo is friends with martin

martin replied to the topic 'Re:Diy indi rotator?' in the forum. 6 years ago
martin replied to the topic 'Re:Diy indi rotator?' in the forum. 6 years ago

Well this is not mine this is the plan i took on internet. I will post photo on mine. No slippage. I crazy glued timing belt around the moonlite....


martin replied to the topic 'Re:Diy indi rotator?' in the forum. 6 years ago

This is the ascom ive build, source is at bottom.

I dont know what is indiduino will check that


martin created a new topic ' Diy indi rotator?' in the forum. 6 years ago

Not a focuser. A rotator. Anyone know a arduino based rotator compatible with indi? I do not find on internet. I found 2 that is ascom and not working with my computer, but if an indi one exist base on moonlite protocol or anything else I would like to build one.
Thank you


martin created a new topic ' Windi server in wine linux?' in the forum. 6 years ago

Do you know a way to make non ported ascom driver work in linux? I installed ascom driver in linux with playonlinux ( that worked), I then installed windi the same way, it worked and I can see the previously installed ascom driver. I start the server and then....nothing. I mean, it say the windi server is started, but I cant access it from the network. I suspect that is just diying there inside the emulator ( wich is not an emulator, wine).
Well, I try something, but mayb someone there know how I can use my only ascom driver not ported to indi to work with my raspberry pi .
Thanks for the idea


martin replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 6 years ago

I had problem with creating acess point too ( I dont know if I had old version) .
I fix the problem by creating access point in command line with the nmcli command. I followed how to do on google


I try to install kde, don't work. I try to run kstars with sudo, still can't make notification to output to a file.


I manage to create a log file by making a simple bash script that append to a file when triggered by the notification configurator action, but when using the normal ''Log to a file'' no file is created


martin replied to the topic 'Astroberry Server' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi, have you come with a solution for the security certicate that make it impossible to login from web browser? I am using google chrome on my pc and I can log in even is I install the self signed certificate.
Thank you


here is my problem: I made all my setup on a raspi 3 and ubuntu mate. The thing is when I try to use the kstars notification configuration to output a log file. But when I check to output the notification to a file, that don't see to happen, no file is created.
My question is: Is this because I need a kde environnement to make this work and I have a mate?
Or mayb I am doign something wrong?
Or mayb that is not faisible?
What would you do?
KDE on raspeberry pi 3 is faisible now? I don't think.
Mayb I have all wrong.
Basically, I would like to output every notification to a file to be able to loop trough that file with a script and take some action.
Thank you


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