That was version 2.9.3 from the KStars website link


Even the Windows version v 2.9.3 64-bit download aborts the download. So neither will download a complete file.


Is there an FTP site or someplace to get the EKos VM 1.6 to download?
I have a very fast Internet connection and my browser keeps telling me it will take 16+ hours to download this application. I'm can download huge files in a matter of a few minutes here in the states but 16+hours is unacceptable!

Also on the first attempt the MD5 checksums does not match meaning the file is not complete even though the browser reports a complete download.


Richard Heinsohn replied to the topic 'Cloud cover cameras' in the forum. 7 years ago

Yes, I would be interested in the wiring diagram as well.


Richard Heinsohn replied to the topic 'Cloud cover cameras' in the forum. 7 years ago

Thanks for the information and very interesting project. I could have used this the other night during the new moon when I lost imaging time to cloud cover. This was the first dark night this month and I only captured 2-4min frames each of LRGB of the Seagull and had to throw out the rest :(
I have a spare ASI120MC camera with lens already so it would not be much to set this up so I can monitor sky conditions from the house while imaging.

Thank You!


Richard Heinsohn created a new topic ' Cloud cover cameras' in the forum. 7 years ago

Does anyone have suggestions for a WiFi camera that I can get to monitor the night sky cloud cover and eventually integrate it into the EKOS to pause or stop the imaging process while unattended. Any models or manufacturer suggestions are welcome.


Hello all,
I have INDI, Kstars, and Ekos installed on a RPI-3 board with my WiFi hotspot and Real VNC running and at this point I am trying to get my observatory equipment setup. In Ekos I am looking at the device packages and I cannot find the ones I need to install/configure. The equipment list on the INDI site lists most manufacturers but I don't see them in the Ekos when I want to configure them. I would hope INDI would have what I need but I am just not finding them and instructions on how to install.
Equipment I have that I need to connect to INDI. Can anyone help?
1. iOptron CEM60 mount with built-in GPS
2. Atik 414EX Mono
3. ZWO ASI 120MC guide camera
4. Starlight Xpress CoStar mono guide camera which will replace the ZWO ASI120MC camera
5. Atik EFW2 filter wheel
6. Rigel System nStep autofocuser

Thanks in advance


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