Kaczorek wrote:

ElevatedG wrote: There is a way to salvage those frames with 4 pixels chopped off. I have experienced this problem recently with my asi071 camera. I've found a simple work around to this is to crop all images to match the smaller image size using DynamicCrop and image containers in pixinsight. Its a quick way to batch crop all your images to the correct size so they will stack. You have to do your flats, bias, and darks also this way for it to work.

I would kindly disagree. This approach assumes you know which lines are missing. Whereas these might be: 4 top lines, 4 bottom lines, 2 top + 2 bottom, 1 top + 3 bottom, ..., whatever you choose.
Cropping images changes physical mapping of pixels and may render unpredictable results during stacking phase. It would also influence calibration phase due to possible shift of light vs dark or light vs flat.

Using Pixinsight's DynamicCrop process, the process will display where the center anchor is in the image, thus you can derive what side the pixels are being cut off. If that's not a good enough indicator, then a visual toggle using CTRL+PGDN will show you the edge that has been chopped off when comparing it with a normal sized image. It has always been the bottom 4 pixels in at least 60 of the last 200 lights i have imaged in January. This problem started happening just recently with my asi071.

My stacks turn out just fine, flats are mapped great and so are hot pixels. As long as you KNOW where the pixels are being cut off, then all is good.

One thing to make note, I am running an older stable version of stellarmate 1.2.9.



There is a way to salvage those frames with 4 pixels chopped off. I have experienced this problem recently with my asi071 camera. I've found a simple work around to this is to crop all images to match the smaller image size using DynamicCrop and image containers in pixinsight. Its a quick way to batch crop all your images to the correct size so they will stack. You have to do your flats, bias, and darks also this way for it to work.


Alan Mason created a new topic ' Messier 31 - ASI071' in the forum. 6 years ago

Imaged Oct 30-31 with a total of 82x180s subs @-15C, 50gain.

Full Resolution Here: get.jpg?insecure


Alan Mason created a new topic ' NGC 281 - STC Duo Narrowband' in the forum. 6 years ago

My pacman nebula

Imaged under a 91% illuminated moon this past Sunday night (10/21). All captured with a OSC cooled CMOS ASI071 Pro.

76x300s @-15C



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