Christopher Contaxis replied to the topic 'Avalon Driver Setup' in the forum. 6 years ago

I think I know what is going on.

The mount has a periodic function to query status like RA/DEC and what not. The focuser also has one as well but it isn't being called. The reason you can extend the focuser and not retract is because position commands to positive values are allowed, all extension motions produce positive values when referenced to 0. However retraction motions require a negative position (compared to the current position) which means you cant retract because the current position is always 0. The problem will be resolved once the focuser's query function is called periodically.

I will see what I can do to fix this. I know the design has changed a bit since I last looked at the code. The main difficulty will be in preventing the focuser from trying to query status while the mount is doing the same thing. The simplist thing might be to call the focuser's periodic update function at the end of the mount's periodic update function.
