nikiosna wrote: Ok I can confirm that in this situation tracking doesn't start. I never experienced this because I almost always make a slew before the tracking.
In my logfile I parked and unparked the mount and then tracking works.
I don't know much about the eqmod-protocoll but I think that the mount says

[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=101\", 5 bytes read
when the tracking doesn't start
[COMM] read_eqmod: \"=301\", 5 bytes read
when it works

File Attachment:

File Name: log_09-12-16.txt
File Size: 290 KB

Thanks! I'll investigate source code and . Maybe I'll found a problem...


nikiosna wrote: I build my AstroEQ a year ago and can say after a bugfix ( this thread )
in the indi-eqmod-module it works very well. I build it on an arduino mega 2560 and the first connection fails every time but it automatically connects again and everything works. Currently I try to get my guiding more stable which can be very tricky. I didn't have any problems with tracking: I right-click on a position in kstars, select EQMod->track and it works.

Also I can recommend the custom pulleys for the EQ5 in the AstroEQ project.

This is my log from Ekos.
When I click on start tracking button motor takes a step and stop. After I click Right Button and motor start tracking...


nikiosna wrote: You should make a debug log of the indi-eqmod-module ( link ). I can then compare it to my logs. Then we should know whether the bug is in indi or your astroeq.
I use the DRV8825 stepper drivers and had sometimes problems with the adjustment of the motor current but if you mount slews normal this should be okay.

Thanks. I will make log today.


nikiosna wrote: I build my AstroEQ a year ago and can say after a bugfix ( this thread )
in the indi-eqmod-module it works very well. I build it on an arduino mega 2560 and the first connection fails every time but it automatically connects again and everything works. Currently I try to get my guiding more stable which can be very tricky. I didn't have any problems with tracking: I right-click on a position in kstars, select EQMod->track and it works.

Also I can recommend the custom pulleys for the EQ5 in the AstroEQ project.

Hello! I use latest indi lib. Compiled from source. This bugfix exist. But I cant start tracking. Its work only if I turn left or right navigation buttons in Ekos.
1. Start Indi server on Raspberry PI
2. Connect from KStars. Open Ekos
3. Click on Mount Tab
4. Click Tracking On (Tracking not start)
5. Open Mount Control - Click Left or Right (RA axis) for a short time. Tracking is start!

Arduino Mega 2560 with A4988

P.S. I noticed a strange behavior. After Parking On and Off - tracking can operate at "high speed". Randomly
P.S.S. Sorry for may bad English


Gilles wrote:

newil86 wrote: (...)
(try to avoid "autodiscover" function)

Sorry, I do not undestand this :)


Gilles wrote: hi
standby for me, but :
i "think" these troubles could be related to initialization :
With arduino's stuff, a RST is sent when a serial connection arrives...
To avoid that, i will certainly put a 100uF cap between +5V and RST pins of arduino,(found on MyFocuserPro DIY project)
i've not tried yet...
you could also try to see on AstroEQ forum, i think there are some threads about that...


Hmm. I tried use EQMod on Windows. Tracking starts at once afetr click on Tracking button.
I will look for a solution on AstroEQ forum.
P.S. Sorry for my bad English..


Gilles wrote: The second is that after connection, when i set sideral tracking, my RA motor doesn't move.
The only way to make it move is to make a brief slew to W or E with the motion buttons.
After, everything seems to go fine.

I've attached my log, i must say i couldn't find anything


Hello! I have a same problem =/ Did you find a solution?


Andrey replied to the topic 'Kstars on Windows 32-bit' in the forum. 7 years ago

knro wrote: You can download it from here:

But it is version 2.9.1, not 2.9.2 yet. Why are you using 32bit OS in 2018? :D

Thanks! I use a Windows Tablet PC with Intel Atom x64 but UEFI x32. I can't install Win x64 =/


Andrey created a new topic ' Kstars on Windows 32-bit' in the forum. 7 years ago

Hello! Tell me please where can I get the Kstars for Windows 10 32-bit?
On available only 64-bit version :(
Thank you in advance!
P.S. Sorry for may bad English...


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