It was very complicated, because one of the motors was drawing to much current it heated original driver chip on motor shield very hot, so I removed it (chip) and conected A4988 by wires to shield (to some holes were chip was) to be able to control it from Arduino by programming shift register. I had only one A4988 avaiable and I wanted to use mout very badly and it worked, so it stayed that way for 2 years. ;)
Now I am using Onstep with ESP32 and 2x TMC2290 drivers, It' works like a charm.


Hi Miguel,
I am using stepper motors which are run by Arduino+drivers (A4988 for DEC and old motor shield for RA), no encoders.  I chose to send number of steps instead of time (I can change goto speed on fly). I think you can modify your INO and/or driver file to make Arduino start movement and stop it after some time. You would need to calculate how much time is needed to move and maybe change driver code to send time required instead of steps (basically you can make Arduino translate number of steps to time if you don't want to modify driver file) .Hope it helps.



Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Support for UVC capture module' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you. Let us know when you have pictures made with your setup.


Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Support for UVC capture module' in the forum. 4 years ago

What cameras do you use with capture madule? Could you post some pictures? I bought cheap Aptina AR130 usb cam on alliex for 15$. and use it for guiding. I wonder if you could use IMX290 security cam with better effects? Or it will be worse because you don't have uncompressed frames.


Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Support for UVC capture module' in the forum. 4 years ago

You're welcome.
Happy it works.


Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Support for UVC capture module' in the forum. 4 years ago

Have you tried turning stacking on (In Main tab)? One of my webcam does not have shutter controll, it can only stream (like your uvc module) but with stackingi it works.


Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Support for UVC capture module' in the forum. 4 years ago

Last important thing, in v4l2 driver in Main control, you need to select Stack to sth. (Additive or Mean). If not than there will be an error could not start exposure ...


Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Support for UVC capture module' in the forum. 4 years ago

I use uvc webcams with ekos, phd2 etc.via v4l2 driver I can capture frames and stream and use it for focusing, aligning and guiding.
I just need to set format first (YUVY, frame rate etc.) in some cameras I can set also manual exposure but naot all.


Tomasz Pszon replied to the topic 'Building KStars on ubuntu 16.04' in the forum. 4 years ago

I managed to compile indi an Kstars on my system very old ubuntu 16.04 ;)..
I needed only to change 3 source files (around 10 lines of code) by substituting QOverload with static_cast. (for those who need to do this: change "QOverload<YYY &>::of(&XXX" "static_cast<void (XXX::*)(YYY)>(&XXX" whery YYY is type and XXX name.


Tomasz Pszon created a new topic ' Building KStars on ubuntu 16.04' in the forum. 4 years ago

I am unable to build Kstars on Ubuntu 16.04.

error: ‘QOverload’ was not declared in this scope

I suspect that is due to QT version 5.5 which I am not able upgrade on my system.
I have tried to work around this problem by changing QOverload with static_cast but I wonder how many lines of code I need to change.
When was QOverload’ used first time? I was able to compile Kstars in January 2020.
Where can I find last version without QOverload?


Hi Stephen,
Happy to learn that it works for you. Clear skies.


I also use it in device - client mode in Kstars and PHD2 for guiding. I start server with drivers from command line and then connect KStars fot GOTO then disconnect and connect PHD2 for guiding.
I tried EKOS (driver crashed from time to time) but PHD2 works better for my setup.


There is a lot of not needed stuff in this code. It is my first try in prgramming, so apologies for such a mess.
You can delete all references to ardust4driver, it is leftover from my first try to make it connect to arduino, If i have some time, I will try to clean code. and add comments.
I also added lot of buttons to change speed, stepping modes etc. during guiding.
There is something wrong (maybe It is changed by other function in indi?) with PortFD variable, so I created PortFD2 to wich I have access.
Libnova is needed only for parking.


Hi, I have modified original indi driver. It is very ugly and lot of trash but GoTo, parking and moving by buttons works.
I don't use ST-4 because my Arduino controls 2 stepper motors via A4988 and LD293 shield, so I can send command with number of steps instead of time.


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    10. 11. 1978
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    Trying some astrophoto