James Mason replied to the topic 'Indi 1.3.1 and CCDciel' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi - did you ever resolve this issue? I'm having the exact same problem with Cartes du Ciel - the indiserver is contacted, says "welcome!", then immediately reads an EOF and shuts down the connection. I tried the sudo suggestion to no avail.


I've been slow to get back to you. Disabling FITS viewer had a small impact but not significant. I suspect MacOS. I've since updated indiserver and KStars, but haven't checked this again.


I am finding a discrepancy between KStars and Ekos re: the RA/Dec of satellites. KStars will show me the satellites in the sky, but if I try to slew my Paramount ME (through TheSkyX) to a satellite, Ekos gives me a warning that the satellite is below the horizon. In the Mount Control box, searching on the satellite, then clicking on "Details..." uncovers the fact that Ekos seems to think the position of the satellite is at 00h 00m 00.00 RA and 0 deg 00' 00.00 DE (J2000). I have run "update TLEs" which seems to be successful (i.e. KStars reports satellite positions that seem to be reasonably correct when compared to Heavens Above).
I'm using KStars 2.9.5 and the most recent version of indiserver v.1.7.2. The log file also reports an attempt to slew to 0 RA 0 Dec as well.

Thoughts? Thanks!


James Mason replied to the topic 'Vantage Pro 2 driver' in the forum. 6 years ago

Extracted from the log:

INFO 0.005824 sec : Session log file /Users/domeuser/.indi/logs/2018-05-25/indi_vantage_weather/indi_vantage_weather_19:38:27.log
DEBUG 86.344753 sec : Connecting to /dev/cu.SLAB_USBtoUART
DEBUG 86.350395 sec : Port FD 3
DEBUG 86.350429 sec : Connection successful, attempting handshake...
DEBUG 86.350737 sec : CMD (0XA)
DEBUG 86.355740 sec : Console is awake.
DEBUG 86.356104 sec : CMD (VER)
DEBUG 86.371693 sec : RES (Oct 26 2009)
INFO 86.371770 sec : Vantage is online.
DEBUG 86.372615 sec : Configuration successfully saved for DEVICE_PORT.
DEBUG 86.373335 sec : Configuration successfully saved for DEVICE_BAUD_RATE.
DEBUG 86.374014 sec : Configuration successfully saved for CONNECTION_MODE.
INFO 86.374236 sec : Weather update is in progress...
DEBUG 86.374538 sec : CMD (0XA)
DEBUG 86.379746 sec : Console is awake.
DEBUG 86.380282 sec : CMD (LOOP 1)
DEBUG 86.440158 sec : Packet Type (0)
DEBUG 86.440230 sec : Raw Forecast (6)
INFO 86.440253 sec : Forecast: Partly Cloudy.
DEBUG 86.440280 sec : Raw Temperature (716) [0XCC 0X2]
DEBUG 86.440301 sec : Raw Barometer (30025) [0X49 0X75]
DEBUG 86.440320 sec : Raw Wind Speed (3) [0X34]
DEBUG 86.440339 sec : Raw Wind Direction (166) [0XA6, 0]
DEBUG 86.440358 sec : Raw Rain Rate (0) [ 0, 0]
DEBUG 86.440377 sec : Raw Solar Radiation (32767) [0XFF,0X7F]
WARNING 86.440400 sec : Warning: Parameter Forecast value (1) is in the warning zone!
DEBUG 86.440488 sec : Toggle Debug Level -- Driver Debug
DEBUG 87.348213 sec : Toggle Debug Level -- Driver Debug
DEBUG 87.348290 sec : Toggle Logging Level -- Driver Debug

Interesting that while it is reporting a value for wind direction and solar radiation, Ekos (and PyINDI) are reporting zeros. Plus, mostly I really need humidity to monitor dew point, and that's also zero, and "not* showing up in the log. And one more little data point, in the Ekos Main Control tab, for "Status", only temperature, wind, and rain are shown with their status lights. For what that's worth...

Thank you!


James Mason replied to the topic 'Vantage Pro 2 driver' in the forum. 6 years ago

I should've said - INDI is running on a Mac Pro, using the INDI server version that comes with KStars, as well as a self-compiled "latest and greatest" v.1.7.2. I have used both the USB and serial weatherlinks to connect the console to the computer, although because it's a Mac Pro with no serial port, I am using a FTDI chip serial/USB cable. I've also read out the parameters from the INDI server using python, which is returning the same parameter info, so it's not the client.


James Mason created a new topic ' Vantage Pro 2 driver' in the forum. 6 years ago

I have a Davis weather station, with the Vantage Pro2 console. I am using the "stock" vantage indi driver (indi_vantage_weather), however, the driver is only outputting 4 of the 8 possible parameters - it's not reporting wind direction, rain, or humidity (or solar radiation but I don't think my station has that option). If it's any clue, it returns the first 4 parameters (forecast, temp, barometer, and wind speed) and the last 4 are all zeros.


Is there a method to set up a fixed az/el pointing task in the scheduler instead of RA/Dec coordinates? I was wondering if it might be possible using the FITS file input, generating a FITS table with the time-varying RA/Dec coordinates to emulate the fixed topocentric coordinates.


The shutter closes correctly at the correct exposure, so yes, just the time between exposures varies.

The EKOS gui (and Kstars in general) become non-responsive, though other Mac apps are working just fine (which also means the USB bus is behaving because the keyboard/mouse are on the same bus).

The FITS viewer does display the frame correctly after the delay.


I have INDI/Ekos installed on a Mac Pro (High Sierra), with an Apogee Alta camera. When I set up a sequence (typically doing 100 frames or more), the time between exposures tends start out "normal" (3.6 seconds on a 2 second integration), but then drifts longer and longer, then suddenly shoot up to > 10 seconds (often 20-30 seconds). The ~20 seconds between exposures sometimes immediately drops back down to a few seconds (normal timing), or stays pegged at ~20 seconds for quite some time before returning to normal. I've simplified everything down to having nothing connected but the camera, no other obvious processes running. I've broken the sequences up into 100 frame segments, I've put a delay after each exposure. While some of these things seem to help, none of them fix the problem.
Thoughts? Is there any support envisioned for external triggering?


James Mason replied to the topic 'Support for Apogee Alta U47?' in the forum. 7 years ago

I've had the same problem (different Apogee camera, but that's a nit). Running indiserver as root (i.e. sudo indiserver) does fix the problem. BTW using Kstars as the client.


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