Niki replied to the topic 'MI CCD capture abort' in the forum. 4 years ago

OK, i´ll have a go on this.

Problem is that after i had the same problem running Kstars on mac --> remote on stellarmate, AND running KSTARS direct ON the stallarmate.
In both cases the timeout occured.

So i wanted to have a go, and connected the cam DIRECT to my macbook, running kastars nad making a local profile.
In this case, the mi ccd driver crashes instantly on startup "indi mi ccd driver crashed"

I test the beta version asap, to see if this is solved too in this case.

Parallel i´ll have a try running KDE on my notebook in the latest stable version, seeing, if the problem occures here too. Because if this happens, i think i have a camera problem...



Niki replied to the topic 'MI CCD capture abort' in the forum. 4 years ago

Made a test, running kstars direct on Stellarmate.
100 darks with 5 secs.
22 taken --> ccd capture aborted...



Niki replied to the topic 'MI CCD capture abort' in the forum. 4 years ago

Had another try last night. Same procedure. Cam took 16 of 120 frames then suddenly CCD capture aborted...

This time i changed the path for the pictures to the stellarmate itself, so i eliminated that it could be due to bad network connection.
I have last nights log here. The problem started at 00:14:14

This is quite frustrating. I will test tonight with running kstars on stellarmate direct, not over client/remote. Maybe the problem occurs on my mac?

Any ideas welcome...



Niki replied to the topic 'MI CCD capture abort' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hello Jasem!

OK, thats what i thought too, a timeout. Bu t why, and why so random?
Do you think that maybe it could have to do with the fact, that i run KStars on my Macbook, controlling the Stellarmate remote so that it takes too long for the pictures to be uploaded to my macbook?
Would it be faster to save them to a hd or stick attached directly to the Stellarmate?

Or could the timeout-time be set somewhere?

And why does the cam freeze after this?



Niki created a new topic ' MI CCD capture abort' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi guys.

Me again with new problems out of nothing...

ATM working on a Stellarmate.

Since some days my Moravian G2 8300 colour starts to "abort capture" out of nothing...

Yesterday it happened right after starting a 240 Pictures night. Problem after the first picture... I had a look if it works, then the first picture was taken so i thought ok, i´ll go to bed. and when i got up today i had to see, that it was the only picture taken.

I can stop kstars the, and restart, but the MI CCD won´t connect annymore.

What i have to do is to stop indiservers, end kstars, take out power of the mi ccd, wait some time, put power back, start indi webserver and kstars and reconnect, and not even this is a 100% guarantee that it works.

So i took some flats today in the morning. 7 Flats were taken, and then the same fault again.
I tokk 20 Darks whixh worked fine and after that i wanted to take 100 bias.
51 were taken, then capture aborted...

This is quite frustrating...

You can find logs here...




Niki replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip Configuration' in the forum. 4 years ago

I had time to test this on Wednesday night. I was up at the time the automatic flip occured and have checked the box like said above "reset mount model after meridian flip"
the flip was spot on with only one correction.

Seems this does the trick.

I will observe the next times.

Thanx for the tipp.



Niki replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip Configuration' in the forum. 4 years ago

Universalmaster, could you verify that this happens on the Pierside east pointing west only? maybe?
Because thats exactly what happens to me.

Not able to try around because of wheather conditions atm...



Niki replied to the topic 'Platesolving after the flip gone wild' in the forum. 4 years ago

Actually the ASI 120 is my guiding cam, which i do NOT solve with...



Niki replied to the topic 'Platesolving after the flip gone wild' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hey Wouter!

Discussing the problem in another thread actually, log is there.



Niki replied to the topic 'Meridian Flip Configuration' in the forum. 4 years ago

Hi Wolfgang!

The first part of the Log you quoted says die erneute Ausrichtung blablabla wurde abgeschlossen. Thats right, the system "thinks" it is on the right point, but it is just NOT. Thats the funny thing.

The second thing you quoted, that i forced the mount to the other pier side was before that, when i tried to make the flip manually.
This would have worked besides that. The problem is happening after the flip.
The flip itself works flawless.

I´ll try it in German, maybe i have better words, i think you speak german Wolfgang?

Also folgendes problem passiert. Platesolve funktioniert eigentlich problemlos am Abend. Meine Objekte starten meist tief im Osten. Wen ich dann flippen muss, macht das system das problemlos.
Du musst dir das so vorstellen. Gestern hatte ich die Walgalaxie im Bild vor dem Flip. Fadenkreuz drauf, der "Rahmen" des Sensors nach dem Platesolve auch, alles normal.

Dann der Flip. Monti fährt das Objekt verkehrt an und ist relativ weit weg, ich hab das mal im Screenshot markiert wie weit in etwa das gestern war.

Also die Walgalaxie ist auf dem Screen da wo das Fadenkreuz ist. Der Rote Ring zeigt wo die Monti nach dem Flip hingefahren ist. Und da hat sie dann gemeint erneute Ausrichtung abgeschlossen.
Was ich dann natürlich gemacht hab, war mit der Maus auf die Walgalaxie zu klicken und dem System zu sagen "fahr da hin"
Und was macht das System? NICHTS! Es sagt sinngemäß. "Da bin ich doch schon"

Verstehst du wie ich das meine? Komplett unlogisch, ich kapiers nicht, vor allem warum VOR dem Flip alles hinhaut.

Die Zeit hab ich 3 mal gecheckt, die hat gepasst...

Werd jetzt mal alle Einstellungen der Montierung, bzw. des Platesolve löschen , mal sehen obs dann geht...
Aber jetzt ist erstmal schlechtwetter...



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