Julien Ciclet replied to the topic 'INDI and Sony A7s' in the forum. 7 years ago


I followed this here
The result of my console showed me this :

astronom@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-overwrite" install libgphoto2-port12
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information... Done
libgphoto2-port12 is already the newest version (2.5.17+201801012117~ubuntu16.04.1).
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 16 not upgraded.

Thank you,


Julien Ciclet replied to the topic 'INDI and Sony A7s' in the forum. 7 years ago


I tried several time but it looks like problem in the configuration file.
Here is the log.
Thanks for your help,


Julien Ciclet replied to the topic 'INDI and Sony A7s' in the forum. 7 years ago


I tried without success, I have shown your video explaining how to enable logs, but when I push the log button nothing happens...:S


Julien Ciclet created a new topic ' INDI and Sony A7s' in the forum. 7 years ago


I am a new user (beginner) on Ubuntu Astronomy discovered a few days ago:)
I explore this new world and possibilities offered in this new environment. I am not very skilled in Linux, but I decided to try and learn.
At the moment, with support, my mount and my focuser can communicate correctly, but my Sony A7s is driving me mad..:sick:
I've updated the INDI library, but the camera does not work as expected. I think my problem is on the configuration file, for example I have several error messages in the log like
"2018-01-02T06:34:13: [INFO] Detected Sony Corporation Model ILCE-7S.
2018-01-02T06:34:13: [INFO] GPhoto CCD is online.

2018-01-02T06:34:13: [WARNING] Shutter speed widget does not have any valid data (count=0)"
This error is always the same with Ekos or any of INDI Client used.

I think there is many users of Sony A7s here, and your help will be really appreciated.
I am pretty sure, I forgot or written something wrong in the configuration file, but I have no ideas.
When I use the camera with Entangle directly it works (but the shutter can't be changed), the M (Bulb Mode) is disabled, and the exposure time used is the one actually set on my camera.

Thanks for your help,


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    09. 11. 1974
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    I am a astrnomer found of stargazing and astrophotography, and I am a musician too, a dreamer...