Scott Baker replied to the topic 'Raspberry Pi 3 Setup Script' in the forum. 7 years ago

rlancaste wrote: I am not an expert on conky by any means. I found a tutorial on how to set it up and configure it online and I then incorporated it into the script because I liked it. Currently I'm not having problems with it, but maybe it just happened recently. I do know that there is a new format for the configuration file, but the older format was working for me still. If you have any suggestions on how I should update it let me know.

I'm pretty sure it's an Lubuntu thing. I can't get it to load at boot at all. The format of the config file doesn't really seem to make a difference. Via command line, it does whine a little bit when loading but it starts just fine. I don't think the new format has anything to do with it not auto-starting in Lubuntu.