Jack Fitzmier replied to the topic 'kstars and astrometry on mac' in the forum. 7 years ago

Thanks again for your assistance. Much appreciated. I decided to start all over. I deleted all of the kstars files and downloaded the latest version and installed it. Had some good success yesterday just using astrometry, the ccd simulator, and the telescope simulator. Some solutions were relatively quick; others took longer; some failed. I took your suggestions and increased the exposure and played with the scale and position checkboxes. Today, however, it appears to be funky again. The profile loads but I get this error: "Failed to find astrometry.net binaries. Please ensure astrometry.net is installed and try again." I have checked everyplace I know and do not understand what is going on. Probably some simple thing, but having seen how it works I am eager to get it working again. Thoughts?