matthieu created a new topic ' Problems to connect gto-cp4' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hello, I am a astrophysic mount owner.
I try to use indi with the experimental driver but when I try to connect the mount Indi tells me " Firmware version is not ā€˜Vā€™ - too old to use the experimental driver."
I contacted astrophysics but they told me problem comes from Indi :
"You will need to direct your question to the INDI developers. They did their development based on the AP CP3 control box. We don't know if they have extended development to the CP4.

If they have CP4 related questions and need information for expanding their development to the CP4, they should direct their questions to my colleague, Howard. I've included Howard in this response so as to include his email address."

Does anyone encontered the same issue ?
How could I fix it ?
