I've been running a 350d with shutter release on serial port, Moonlite compatible Arduino based focuser (SGLPro) with a stepper driving the lens in manual mode with a belt. It all sits on a Losmandy GM-8 (Gemini 1). Running Ekos from a RPi3 on Ubuntu Mate which does everything - camera control, focusing, mount control, plate solves, etc. Wiring is in dire need of sorting out...!

With an 85mm lens I have taken some images lately from here in the UK which you're welcome to use with credits - see:



Looking forward to being able to try this out (I've not managed to do any system testing kstars-wise recently due to other commitments) - is this available in the current bleeding release? If so, where is it configured?



I'd add my vote for this feature - this is really useful in the case where you're not actually guiding (widefield DSLR work for instance), but want to dither to allow pixel rejection routines to get rid of artefacts (hot pixels, column defects, etc). Both my GM8 and Titan can drive well within the pixel tolerance for wide angle lenses, so they need forcibly dithering.

APT also allows this by two methods - the first uses a direct mount connection to do a small goto, randomly distanced from the start point, the second uses pulse guiding to do the same. There it uses a numerical parameter and the pixel scale to decide how much to dither.

It's be great to implement this in Ekos - I too could go to a complete RPi/indi/Ekos setup for DSLR work with this implemented :)


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    06. 04. 1980
  • About me
    Zymurgist, destroyer of code, wearer of teflon gloves, astrophotographer, gardener, tired out father.