Desprez replied to the topic 'GPhoto driver crashes' in the forum. 7 years ago

I have intalled the update tool synaptic and then i have updated also Kstar, other INDI driver and basis packages
Now it work well and Gphoto seem more stable with my EOS 1000D (just a little drouble to do the first preview from Ekos but nothing blocking)


Desprez replied to the topic 'GPhoto driver crashes' in the forum. 7 years ago

I have updated the INDI GPHOTO2 driver. Since Kstars detected INDI driver indi_sphoto_ccd crashed when i start INDI from Ekos and close Kstars
How ti fix this issue ?

Thanks for your help !


Desprez replied to the topic 'Ekos Development Thread' in the forum. 7 years ago

Proposal new feature

Astrometry and manual mounting: centering aid

I am a new user of INDI / EKOS / KSTAR and to begin I would like to congratulate all the developers and contributors for this beautiful solution.

Currently I have an old vixen SP mount with trigonometric circles graduated on the axes.

The (simple) functionality I'm looking for and a pointing support:

1. define a target centered on my sensor in Kstar
2. manually scoring with my mount
3. launch a pose and astrometry
4. visualize my fields taken by my sensor on Kstar and in Ekos have the offset of the center of the sensor with respect to the center targeted on both axes
5. Manually via the relative coordinates change the setting of my mount
6. re-astrometry to check framing
7. if there is still a lag, restart the procedure in point 3

I do not know if this is already possible but I have not found a simple solution in EKOS

Thank you for your feedback / feedback on the development of this feature
(And sorry for my approximate English)


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    16. 02. 1968
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    Astro amateur