Remy replied to the topic 'PyINDI not working...' in the forum. 3 years ago

I had same issue recently when using the default PyINDI package,
i ran this command to install the latest and then everything work fine, you might want to give it a try:pip install git+


Remy replied to the topic 'QHY695A' in the forum. 5 years ago

Carlos, did you ever managed to get the QHY695a working with INDI?


Yes, the loading the right skeleton was the step I was missing, thanks for pointing that out! The meteostation panel is now showing in Ekos. No value is updating, all showing 0. I guess, I might have some more configuration to do in order to see the temperature from the DHT22, I'll keep debugging


Thanks Magnus for sharing your progress! I just started putting together a MeteoStation and I am using the modified code your shared above.
For now, I just have the dht22 connected to the Arduino. The induino test code work well and I can see the temperature in the serial monitor.
The arduino is connected to my raspberry pi running indiserver.
After updating the arduino with the meteostation code, when I connect to the raspberry pi remotely from Ekos, the control panel doesn't show the temperature, instead it is only showing a long list of sockets, any idea what am i doing wrong?
Thank for your help,


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