Linda Anderson replied to the topic 'Re:Astroberry Server' in the forum. 7 years ago

maudy wrote: In case it can help, another option can be to create a VPN to you home lan and the indi server.

I use openvpn ( https://open [url=https://open][/url] vpn .net to set up a secure connection to my home lan. in most case everything is accessed as if at home. You may still need to know you lan IP for the indi server; I have not tried to see if the hostname astroberry.local is visible; some things will need to be repeated to the vpn. IP access though should work, as the typically setup includes repeating this between LAN and VPN.

The vpn would then address security concerns, and once connected can mean that you are connected as if home. OpenVPN also has mac, and iOS, clients. Using the iPhone app over VPN to check Ekos by browser or VNC does work very well.

So the cool factor can be there too :) Using iPhone to check imaging session while having coffee with friends because your RPI3 tweeted some update... Please note, I have confirmed the tweeting works, I am just not good enough to use it fully as I am still learning automatic framing and guiding.

Thanks for your suggestion. Open VPN seems very popular.


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