Hi Jasem,

I am working away from home at the moment. Can I PM you in a few weeks to set things up.
I have a RPi with Astroberry Server installed. I will be able to I will be able it to connect to the network and the Mesu/SiTech.



Hi Jasem,

Did anything further happen with the Sitec/Mesu driver? There has been no change to the Git or mention of it on the Sitech Yahoo group. I have been looking at the Indi device list but it has not appeared there yet.

Many thanks



Hi Jasem,
That`s great news.
Many thanks for your help in getting this sorted.
Have you any idea how the driver will be distributed? Will it be listed on the Indy site?
Many thanks for all your work on INDI.


Hi Jasem,

Have you looked at the Yahoo group groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/SiTechservo/info

There is a walk through on how to set the driver up but as you say it mentions

" Run SiTechExe on any machine on your local intra-net. Make sure it’s initialized.
Make sure you know the INDI port number in the SiTechExe configuration.
In SiTechExe, It’s on the misc tab in the /config/change config/ on the lower left part of the page.
You can change it if you want."

SiTechExe mentioned appears to be on a Win machine. I can confirm that the Indi pot number tab already exists on my Win version of SiTechExe. This need clarifying with Dan Gray.

Dan Gray Sitech is on
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



If you read the Yahoo group you will see that Dan Gray the Sitech developer has published files and a walk through of how he installed the driver. He has requested help/volunteers with making the files easier to install for the average user.
So it looks like its almost there. So if you have any experience of Indi drivers and getting them ready to install. There is a Github to go to.


Hi Chris
I think you can use PHD2 instead of the EKOS internal guider. Please try to post to the Sitech group. The more requests the better.
I miss using my Raspberry pi`s with EKOS and the reliability of Linux. I am on Win 10 and have been caught out by Win updates:(


I have posted a question to the Sitech Yahoo group.
Back it up with a few posts and they may think there is a need for a Indy Driver if the thread is active with requests from prospective users.


The Indi driver has not appeared yet. There has been talk about a linux version of the software (not Indy) but it seems to be a low priority. I went ahead and brought the Mesu as the Sitech guys told me the Indy driver was only months away. As LAZJEN Says above it very easy to get burned by software promises.
The best thing is to contact the yahoo.com SiTechservo group and post you request there. It may be a good idea to contact Mesu and say that its a deal breaker that you have an Indy driver available before you buy the mount. Loss of sales might do change there minds.
The mesu 200 is very very good and the Sitech driver works well. You wont regret buying one. Its all the Win 10 hassle that you don't need.


I had a reply from Hitecastro today concerning INDI driver for the Mount Hub Pro V4.
They state that they are in touch with the INDI developers. They also said they plan to provide them with a development unit so that they can use it for develop and test.
So it sounds as if they are serious about INDI drivers. As to if this extends to all there products we shall have to wait and see.
It can only help if you mail Hitecastro about the particular Product you would be interested in. Keeps it in there mind.


Graham Cornford replied to the topic 'SharpSky PRO Focuser' in the forum. 7 years ago

lazjen wrote: RoboFocus driver doesn't even connect or recognize it

The Moonlite driver did recognize it and connected, but nothing worked. Couldn't change focus, it couldn't read the temperature, etc.

I tried to contact the maker again, but with no luck.

Assuming nothing changes, I strongly suggest NOT buying this focuser - which is a shame, because it is a neat unit, bundled with the dew heater controller as well.

Thanks for giving it a try. At least it connected to the Moonlite driver, thats a start.
Did you actually manage to contact the supplier or was there no reply.
I did contact him about a year or so ago and he did not think it was worth the amount of time involved in developing a driver for the amount of sales he would receive in return.

Knro mentioned if the supplier will release documented protocol then developing a driver wouldn't be too difficult.
I will try to contact him again and ask if he is willing to release the information on the protocol.


Graham Cornford replied to the topic 'SharpSky PRO Focuser' in the forum. 7 years ago

lazjen wrote: Have you tried connecting it as if it's a MoonLite or Robofocus unit? According to the website, it's compatible with the protocols of those 2.

Has anyone tried one of the SharpSky focuser`s with either the Moonlite or Robofocus INDI driver, as suggested here?
Sharpsky pro is a very nice little focuser unit. I also includes a four channel dew heater controller to the same box. It would be great to get it working with INDI.

Thanks, Graham


I did contact Sitech and was told that the driver would be available around Christmas. The question has reasonably been asked again on the Sitech Yarhoo group. It seems Sitech have a working INDI driver but other (paid) work may be getting in the way of further development. I suggest you join the Yarhoo group and add your voice to others on there who would like to use the INDI driver. There was some suggestion by Sitech that " I'll take a few folks that want it to work under INDI, and help get them going" ?
I think that if an INDI driver were to become available a lot of users would go through the perceived pain of switching to Linux. There always complaints and problems with Win 10 updates etc.
After email conversations with Sitech I went ahead and purchased my Mesu 200. It is increasingly looking like I may have to use windows. Everything else I have works very well with INDI, Kstars.


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    Observatory run exclusively on INDI/Ekos and chained Raspberry PI`s