Thanks for the tip.

My project is related to wireless optical communication. Basically, we use two sets of telescope device, as the transmitter and the receiver. These telescopes are supposed to point towards each other automatically.
The code I am developing is supposed to use the coordinates from GPS unit and orientation from compass module and estimates the required rotations for both telescope devices.
The mathematics and procedure are straight forward and easy.
Once I finish the code and also make sure it is functional, I will be more than happy to share it with anyone.



Thanks a lot, Jochym.

Actually, your comment helped me a lot. I checked
and found a lot of useful information about AUX protocol. I finally managed to control the mount. To avoid the hassle for time being, I will use a simple Python code to control the mount. The concept of INDI drivers is too much for what I intend to do.

I also need to thank knro because of his patience and quick replies to my questions.


Yes, I am connected to the Telescope.

I can ping it as well.


Here is the error message generated by KStars:

2017-07-30T15:03:35: Handshake failed. 
2017-07-30T15:03:35: Failed to communicate with the mount, check the logs for details. 
2017-07-30T15:03:35: Write Error: Broken pipe 
2017-07-30T15:03:35: Read Error: Connection reset by peer 
2017-07-30T15:03:35: Initializing Celestron using Kx CMD... 
2017-07-30T15:03:35: Connection successful, attempting handshake... 
2017-07-30T15:03:35: Connecting to ... 

I tried connecting to the mount by using "SkyQLinkPC" and "NexRemore" in Windows OS and everything works fine.


For some reason when I set all the properties and then connect to the device (CONNECTION.CONNECT=On
), the connection is set back to Off state (CONNECTION.CONNECT=Off)

Besides only limited no of properties are extracted with the code, whereas "indi_getprop" shows more properties. Also There are no properties related to telescope movement and alignment.
I'm wondering if I am dointy ity wrong.

Here is the code I used:

import PyIndi
import time

class IndiClient(PyIndi.BaseClient):
    def __init__(self):
        super(IndiClient, self).__init__()

    def newDevice(self, d):
        global dmonitor
        # We catch the monitored device
        dmonitor = d
    def newProperty(self, p):
        global monitored
        global cmonitor
        global mmonitor
        global amonitor
        # we catch the "CONNECTION" property of the monitored device
        if (p.getDeviceName() == monitored and p.getName() == "CONNECTION"):
            cmonitor = p.getSwitch()
        if (p.getDeviceName() == monitored and p.getName() == "CONNECTION_MODE"):
            mmonitor = p.getSwitch()
        if (p.getDeviceName() == monitored and p.getName() == "DEVICE_TCP_ADDRESS"):
            amonitor = p.getText()
       print("New property ", p.getName(), " for device ", p.getDeviceName())

    def removeProperty(self, p):
        print("removeProperty function")
    def newBLOB(self, bp):
        print("newBLOB function")
    def newSwitch(self, svp):
        print("newSwitch function")
    def newNumber(self, nvp):
        print("newNumber function")
        global newval
        global prop
        # We only monitor Number properties of the monitored device
        prop = nvp
        newval = True
    def newText(self, tvp):
        print("newText function")
    def newLight(self, lvp):
        print("newLight function")
    def newMessage(self, d, m):
        print("newMessage function")
    def serverConnected(self):
        print("serverConnected function\n")
    def serverDisconnected(self, code):
        print("serverDisconnected function\n")

monitored = "Celestron GPS"

dmonitor = None
cmonitor = None 
mmonitor = None
amonitor = None

indiclient = IndiClient()
indiclient.setServer("localhost", 7624)

# we are only interested in the telescope device properties

# wait CONNECTION_MODE property be defined
while not(mmonitor):
mmonitor[0].s = PyIndi.ISS_OFF # the "SERIAL" ISwitch
mmonitor[1].s = PyIndi.ISS_ON # the "TCP" ISwitch
indiclient.sendNewSwitch(mmonitor) # set the driver

# wait DEVICE_TCP_ADDRESS property be defined
while not(amonitor):

amonitor[0].text = "" # the "ADDRESS" ISwitch
amonitor[1].text = "2000" # the "PORT" ISwitch
indiclient.sendNewText(amonitor) # set the driver

# wait CONNECTION property be defined
while not(cmonitor):
cmonitor[0].s = PyIndi.ISS_ON  # the "CONNECT" switch
cmonitor[1].s = PyIndi.ISS_OFF # the "DISCONNECT" switch
indiclient.sendNewSwitch(cmonitor) # send this new value to the device



Hopefully, the people from Celestron were kind enough to give me detailed information on WiFi module.
If Direct connection method is used, the default IP address is "" and port no is "2000".
So having this information, how can I change the connection method in INDI Python program.

I followed the second example in PyIndi , while setting the variable monitored to "Celestron GPS".
The code runs and shows some properties which I assume are the default properties.

Then, there is this part:

# if the monitored device is not connected, we do connect it
if not(dmonitor.isConnected()):
    # Property vectors are mapped to iterable Python objects
    # Hence we can access each element of the vector using Python indexing
    # each element of the "CONNECTION" vector is a ISwitch
    cmonitor[0].s=PyIndi.ISS_ON  # the "CONNECT" switch
    cmonitor[1].s=PyIndi.ISS_OFF # the "DISCONNECT" switch
    indiclient.sendNewSwitch(cmonitor) # send this new value to the device

Forgive my ignorance. But this code doesn't make sense to me.
the variable cmonitor is refering to a property named "CONNECTION".
why are we setting the member variable s to "CONNECT" and "DISCONNECT" at the same time?!?!?

Let's say I need to set the device IP and port, therefore I need to set the "DEVICE_PORT" property. This property has only one member. Then, how can I set both IP and port of the mount?



Thanks for the tips.
I realized the WiFi module has an IP address of
Using "nmap" tool in linux, I'm trying to find the available ports. I also asked the customer serive of Celestron.

Now in your previous reply, you talked about changing the connection to "Ethernet", It would be your kind if you can suggest an example of help page so that I can go though and learn about it.



Thanks a lot.
Your previous reply was really helpful. I can use Python code for the simulation drivers.

Now I have some other issues.
How can I find the IP address and port of the mount? I checked the specifications and datasheet. It gives no clue about it.

The mount I am using came as a part of the following setup:


To make it clear what I want to do, let me put it in this way.

I need to write a simple client program. The client program simply tells the mount to rotate a specific angle.

The project is not related to astronomy so I don't want to use other clients softwares.

I can use both Python and C languages.

However for Raspberry Pi 3, I prefer to use Python.


Thank you for replying.

But your answer didn't help me at all. Like I said I am new to INDI. I've never used it. The website doesn't provide a useful document on how to use it.

I also tried to install "PyIndi-Client" module in my Raspberry Pi 3. But it exits with an error.

So basically I have no idea what to do and where to look for information.


At the moment I am using "Celestron SkyPortal" and WiFi connection mobile app to control the mount.


Hi Everyone,

I want to control a Celestron NexStart mount using Raspberry Pi 3 through WiFi connection.
Raspberry Pi comes with Python as the default programming tool.

I am new to INDI and I like to learn it to some extend. Please let me know where to begin and what to read.



  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    15. 12. 1982
  • About me
    I am a postdoc at University of Glasgow. Recently I have started to use a Celestron NexStar Evolution telescope for my project. I am totally new to INDI library.