Robert Leisenz created a new topic ' Bahtinov Aid' in the forum. 7 years ago

My wish for 2018 is something like the bahtinov grabber as developed by niels nordhoek. Unfortunately nils died a few years ago. But i gave Ivaylo Stoynov ( developer of APT) the hint to ask nils for the source code and he agreed. APT has a nice bahtinov aid now. perhaps Jasem could contact Ivaylo to share the code. I think that would be in niels interest. I personally prefer the bahtinov way to focus because it is quick, accurate and simple. No hassle with expensive equipment and time consuming V curves. Please Jasem give it a try.

All the best for 2018 and keep the good work going.
Greetings to all astronomers and may you see your perfect sky.