Jacob Nowatzke replied to the topic 'One of those Losmandy nights' in the forum. 2 years ago

Paul, I'm not completely sure how to explain the entirety of my situation, but I do need to express that you were on the right track.

For now, I have my mount limits (per HC) set to 113:48 E, 111:20 W, and a GoTo limit of 4:15. My fix to slewing being allowed over EKOS was to select and unselect HA> and choose either 5 or 0 as the entry. These values are one I'm assuming are outside or inside of the 4:15 set on the HC. So what might I be missing? Having the HA> MF setting deselected on startup causes the slew to fail if a MF is required to slew in the first place.

Losmandy has always seemed like a tinkerer's dream, but that's not always great news when I'm not in the mood to tinker. Further, I was unable to practice before prime sky conditions because of the months of clouds, rain, and even cyclones this season has brought to my area. A perfect situation for things to go awry.

May I ask what limit settings you have on your HC and in EKOS, Paul?

Other issues were caused by Optical Train settings, mount settings in INDI control panel, and how the two interact with eachother. I'd prefer to get to the bottom of the limit settings first.