Jacob Nowatzke created a new topic ' Regarding dual cameras' in the forum. 2 years ago


I have to framing cameras on one mount, both 1600MM. One is on the main scope- the scope is guided with an OAG/174MM. The other 1600 is on a camera lens which rests on top of the main OTA. Both 1600MMs have their own EFW wheel and focusers.

I realize I can't capture from both simultaneously, but everything loads fine in a server instance.

My question is- If you (you!) want to use the primary scope as a piggy back, and trigger the secondary scope (not guide optics) to take an image of the same target, at a different exposure time, how would you go about doing it? I don't want to run multiple KStars instances on my local machine (using Astroberry for the time being), I would like the camera to take care of itself, and this also includes focusing and filter changes.

Essentially I want to run the scheduler for the main OTA, and run a scheduler for the secondary camer that is secondary to- and dependent upon the main schduler.

Rough example: I'm at Messier1 with a 1110mm fl OTA and I schedule a session for it. The secondary camera at 85mm focal length would say, "Hey main OTA, you're capturing a 300sec luminance on an subject, allow me to capture the field we're both pointing at, but with different exposures times, mu own focusing algorithm, and also through my own filters. I will terminate anything I'm currently on if you switch positions, but you will never need to terminate your activity based on my activity.

Can this be scripted? Where do I go to learn how? I think I may have seen something similar to this years ago, but I can no longer find it.

CS, Jacob