Jacob Nowatzke created a new topic ' Shout out EKOS devs' in the forum. 2 years ago

Haven't used EKOS (or a scope) in too long due to a plethora of reasons. Came back to find some changes. Though they don't cover 100% of functionality, I wanted to sincerely thank the devs specifically for all of the descriptive tool tips. They've likely saved me hours over the past couple nights alone.

One place in particular that did not have tooltips, that would've saved me saved me about 4hrs of confusion alone, was the Optical Train equipment entry form. I'm still not entirely sure I have everything in correctly, but I am confident (screen snippet attached). What led me to goof was the "Guider" column; I mistakenly assumed that Guider meant what's responsible for sending guide frames to the mount, but instead I had to enter the mount itself. It's very obvious in hindsight, but I spent quite the time trying to figure out why my RA axis would never return.

So that's just where I'd like to see tooltips, but generally speaking the tool tips throughout EKOS have led me to better guiding, better mount calibration, and several cups of pure dopamine. I appreciate those very much and had to say thank you- and unashamedly request more!

CS, Jacob

Do find me on Twitter? I see NINA after NINA, but apparently EKOS users don't use the platform, or just don't share as much as NINA users.