
After choosing an object in KStars, I need to get RA an DEC values of this object in my Indi driver. The goal is to compare target values and current values when the mount is moved manually.

Please, what is the best way to do this ?

Thank you for your help


Thank you !
We will try tomorrow


The mount is manually moved. We need to know RA and DE current values at any time during pointing.

The goal is to display RA and DE current values in KStars. So we can compare current values and target values to achieve the pointing.


Thank you for your answer.

We only want to read the position of a telescop. Not to drive it.

RA and DEC are calculated by a Python program, reading barcodes on pictures. Files attached show two examples of pictures.

The picture is taken by a camera on a Raspberry Pi 3.

On Raspberry number 1 (Ubuntu Mate), we installed KStars, Indi Server, Indi driver, and the Python program which measures RA.
On Raspberry number 2, we installed the Python program which measures DEC.
Python program number 2 sends DEC value to Python program number 1. This is ok. So Python program number 1 has RA and DEC numeric values.
Raspberry number 1 must send RA and DEC numeric values to Indi driver. We decided to implement a TCP communication between the C++ Indi driver and the Python program. A simple way to implement TCP communication consists in using zeromq dynamic library.

Is it possible to build Indi driver including zeromq library ?




I use SimpleScope tutorial two Indi Driver.

RA and DEC will be calculated by another program. I should want the Indi driver to be the TCP client and the another program to be the TCP server.

I should want to use zeromq TCP client/server. For linking, it's necessary to write -lzmq in the command line.

Is it possible to create the Indi driver using zmq dynamic library ? How to add -lzmq option ?

Thank you


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