João Brázio replied to the topic 'Bleeding edge kstars on win ?' in the forum. 7 years ago

From your answer to my initial question I tough there was some kind of repo for it.
In the meanwhile I tried to compile kstars on windows from source following the two tutorials:

But I can't get a proper build environment for it, are those tutorials outdated ?


João Brázio replied to the topic 'Bleeding edge kstars on win ?' in the forum. 7 years ago

knro, where can I find the bleeding edge binaries of kstars for windows ? On the official site I can only see the stable ones.


João Brázio replied to the topic 'Nikon D7000 - Live view issues' in the forum. 7 years ago

Downloaded the the source from Github (kstars and indilib) and build them on Linux.
I get now a different behavior from the stable windows client, the video window is shown for a fraction of a second and then it disappears.
On the log I see:

2017-05-27T18:24:40: Error capturing video stream. 
2017-05-27T18:24:40: Error capturing preview: Unspecified error 
2017-05-27T18:22:42: Starting the video stream with single frame exposure of 15.000000 seconds.

When running on Linux (ubuntu) or when building from source do I require some special libs for the video window to work ?
I've followed the dev tutorials and installed the listed dependencies.


João Brázio created a new topic ' Live View Window' in the forum. 7 years ago

I have a couple of suggestions to the Live View window:
- Add shutter dropdown (DSLR users) or exposure float inputbox (CCD users)
- Add ISO dropdown (DSLR) or GAIN (CCD) integer inputbox
- Add a button which would allow to activate an image overlay such as a cross-hair (X, +, bullseye, etc)

The selection (DSLR/CCD) would be automatic based on the driver used.


João Brázio created a new topic ' Bleeding edge kstars on win ?' in the forum. 7 years ago

There are official (stable) binaries to be downloaded for Windows, I wonder if we can download the bleeding edge binaries (nightly builds of some sort) for Windows anywhere.

Anyone knows ?


João Brázio replied to the topic 'Nikon D7000 - Live view issues' in the forum. 7 years ago

I've taken the debug logs of the sequence which puts the camera in a non-working state.

1) Start INDI and Connect: 00-connect.txt
2) Click "Preview" without and SDCard: 01-preview-nosdcard.txt
3) Change Recording Media to RAM and click again "Preview": 02-recordingmedia-sdram.txt
4) Live View on: 03-liveview-on.txt
5) Live View off: 04-liveview-off.txt
6) Click "Preview": 05-preview.txt

At this stage the camera no longer responds to capture commands, the only way to proceed is to power cycle it.

Looking at the LCD at the camera, during normal operation the LCD has the following status: IMG_2990.JPG
When Live View is ON it changes to the following status: IMG_2992.JPG
When the Live View was supposed to be OFF it keeps the following status: IMG_2992.JPG

If I do the following:

root@mos-rpi-3b-1:~# gphoto2 --shell
gphoto2: {/root} /> set-config viewfinder=1
gphoto2: {/root} /> set-config viewfinder=0

I see the LCD status change to IMG_2992.JPG and then come back to IMG_2990.JPG after the "set-config viewfinder=0" command.


João Brázio replied to the topic 'Nikon D7000 - Live view issues' in the forum. 7 years ago

Actually I don't have it but as the issue seems to be 100% reproducible on me setup I can easily get what you need. Just tell me how to extract it, I'm new to debugging EKOS. :-)


I believe it also happens if I don't have any SDcard inserted into the DSLR and thus forcing it to "save to RAM".
I'm just speculating here but it seems that the client does not override the local temporary image once it is first downloaded.


I'm using the available version of EKOS from the PPA running on a RPI3 with Ubuntu Mate installed.
The (remote) client is a Windows machine.

Whenever I take a new preview I can see and ear the DSLR taking a new picture, I can see EKOS counting down the exposure time and I can see it downloading the image from the DSLR but.. the image I get into the FITS image viewer is always the same, even the temporary filename of the file.

I have the system setup so that the DSLR sends the image into RAM (not to the SD card) and I've selected "local" on my EKOS client.


João Brázio created a new topic ' Nikon D7000 - Live view issues' in the forum. 7 years ago

I'm using the available version of EKOS from the PPA running on a RPI3 with Ubuntu Mate installed.
The (remote) client is a Windows machine.

I have a Nikon D7000 connected to EKOS and all seems to be rather working except when I enter into Live VIew mode (aka as Streaming in EKOS), I ear the mirror being locked and I'm able to see the (video) image on my remote client.

First point: no matter what I do (maybe I'm pushing the wrong dials) the live view image is not affected, for instance If I change the ISO value either prior to opening the live view mode or when already open.

Second point: If I now try to close the live view mode either by just closing the video window or by going into the Streaming tab of the Nikon module on the INDI control panel, the mirror is never return to it's "open" position, which means it's impossible to take still pictures.

Anyone else is experiencing this issue ?


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