Thanks for the work geo! Maybe it sounds silly.... But I dont know how to apply the patch agains the git version of libindi and recompile.


The Starsense 1.2 firmware is not a early version but a version on its own. It has a unique model ID. Indiserver does not accept them. Nothing works.


Hello, I am a newbee (but fanatic!). I have a Celestron AVX mount with Starsense. I want to control it with my RaspberriPi 3. I tried to use the Nexstar lib, because I know you can control it well with Nexremote (I succesfully tried that) from a PC by a serial/usb cable. But with the Indiserver I get the message that the firmware is 1.2 and must be 4.2 or higher. I assume that the indiserver/lib checks the firmware as if there is a Nexstar HC. Is there a way to workaround this?


Bert Streefkerk is friends with Jasem Mutlaq

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