Eric Vickery replied to the topic 'TCP / UDP connections' in the forum. 7 years ago

jaimea wrote: Thanks, hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

Yes, the ::connect is definitely doing something (it's called also for UDP), but as far as I know this should only set the default destination address:port.

In fact I'm able to send, and my equipment receives, packets using the standard tty_write... But I totally fail to receive. I was expecting / hoping to see a "bind" or "recvfrom" in your code B) ... no luck. So for me the mystery is how you are able to receive from the mount. But your code is nice and clear and I can't find the answer.

I still have a few things to try, eventually will manage to have this working, I hope.

Thanks for your time!


Glad to try and help. Unfortunately I am out of ideas.