Eric Vickery replied to the topic 'TCP / UDP connections' in the forum. 7 years ago

jaimea wrote: After digging a bit I still don't get how you manage to receive messages using the standard tty_read functions - as far as I know a bind or recvfrom is required, and I find none!

In my tests, using the code "as is", I can get data sent to destination, but nothing received.

Enlightenment, pleaseeee?

(I must say I'm a bit surprised of finding gemini specific code in the indicom files - I can understand sometimes there's no other way, though)


Sorry for the delayed response. The Thanksgiving holiday kept me busy.

I think the ::connect() call on line 140 in connectiontcp.cpp handles the bind if the socket type is STREAM. Other than that sockets works basically the same whether it is a STREAM or DATA_GRAM socket.

I didn't really want to put Gemini specific code in indicom.c but I didn't want to duplicate all the tty code either. So I decided that a bit of Gemini specific code in indicom.c was the lesser of two evils.