Revellat created a new topic ' Logitech "Dual action" joystick' in the forum. 5 years ago

I am using a Logitech joystick with my HEQ5 mount. Very often but not always I obtain an other driver for an acceleromter !! See attachment.




A small problem when using the mount EKOS tab : when I open the mount control window, the width of the window is too small. It is necessary to change the width to access to the search button. See attachment.



Revellat replied to the topic 'USB-Focus-V3 connexion problem' in the forum. 5 years ago

Thank You. As you wrote I enter the command sudo apt remove modemmanager and after I can connect the focuser easily.

For me the problem is solved. It will be important for the other user to have an updated documentation, but how to do this?.



Revellat created a new topic ' USB-Focus-V3 connexion problem' in the forum. 5 years ago

I am my new USB-Focus-V3.
I create on EKOS a new profile with only CCD simulator and my USB-Focus-V3.
Using EKOS I start INDI and obtain image USB-Foc-001 (No connexion of the focuser)
I go to Tab Connexion ( image USB-Foc-002)
In the tab Connexion I click on : System Ports, Scan Ports and Enabled (Auto search) ( image USB-Foc-003),
I go on tab Controle Principal and Clic on Connecter image USB-Foc-004 image USB-Foc-005 ).

I don't obtain the connexion.

What must I do ?



Revellat replied to the topic 'USB Focus V3' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thank you. I can buy it!!


Revellat created a new topic ' USB Focus V3' in the forum. 6 years ago

I want to use USB Focus V3 on my setup but before to buy it I want be sure it works with KSTARS/EKOS.

USB Focus V3 selled by telescop Service has an INDI Driver ? ??



Revellat replied to the topic 'i-Nova camera and Ubuntu Mate' in the forum. 6 years ago

No, I think that nobody has succeed using i-Nova camera with INDI and KSTARS. I have been active on this forum (see an old topic on the same subject) but without success. At a certain period it was quite OK but after every thing goes wrong.

I don't hope to have i-Nova camera working with KSTARS. I Think that the INDI's team is not interested in i-Nova Camera.
i_Nova camera have also software problem working with windows 10.
The result is that I use i-Nova caméra only for guiding with PHD2 under Windows!!



Revellat replied to the topic 'i-Nova camera and Ubuntu Mate' in the forum. 6 years ago

I update Kstars and try it again with my i Nova NBc-M camera using the device manager (I am using Ubuntu Mate). :
- no problem with the connection,
- but in "infos image" tag most of the values are not correct : max width = 0 instead of 1280, max height = 0 instead of 1024 and bits by pixel = 16 instead of 10
- it is impossible to change this values.


Revellat replied to the topic 'i-Nova camera and Ubuntu Mate' in the forum. 6 years ago

I open this topic because the topic CCDs&DLSRs/inova-ccd has been closed. I think the reason was that I-Nova camera is OK with Linux Mint 18.2
The problem is that the I-Nova camera is KO with Ubuntu 16.4

Yesterday I update Kstars and try the camera with this last version : The result is that I cannot upload the image.
I add in attachment my test procedure an the log file which show warning when I try to capture an image.


Revellat created a new topic ' i-Nova camera and Ubuntu Mate' in the forum. 7 years ago

I update Kstars, INDI and indi-inovaplx driver and test with my NBc-M inova camera and had a problem :
- I can connect the camera,
- I can start a capture and have the message "Exposure done, downloading image,
- but this message I repeated in loop but the end of downloading never arrive (see attachment).
To be sure to have a perfect configuration, I re-install every thing (Ubuntu Mate 16.04, Kstars, INDI and indi-inovaplx driver) and obtain the same result.


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    14. 06. 1941
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    Astronome amateur