Philibert replied to the topic 'Scheduling Locally...' in the forum. 7 years ago

I was thinking along the same lines, but for a different purpose. For time-sharing on a remote robotic scope, it could be a good idea to have a scheduler server (and client).
My future (and as of yet a bit hypothetical) use case is :
- Two or more users connect to a remote scope using Kstars as a client, Indi on a server connected to the scope.
- Each can send long-term scheduling orders (covering several days or months of observations). The scheduler would find the most relevant order based on best match for the target and weights
- Some automated processes can also send orders (i.e. for asteroid tracking, supernovae, etc.), superseding existing orders (higher weights, less stringent evaluation of match)
I believe this could be done by having a local install of Ekos on the scope server and some scripting, but I haven't yet played enough with scripting Ekos to know for sure. Ideally, as several people pointed out, it would be great to be able to access Ekos functions outside of Kstars (in particular in a headless install), through an API.

I haven't yet started to build my fixed observatory, but meanwhile, I mean to spend a bit of time experimenting along those lines.


Philibert replied to the topic 'EKOS scheduler timing out' in the forum. 7 years ago

I'm having the same problem with Indi (1.5) on RPi, Ekos (1.8.2) on Windows.

2017-08-27T22:57:31 Ekos timed out.
2017-08-27T22:56:28 Found candidate job M 31 (Priority #10).

No dbus-daemon.exe process running. When is that process meant to be launched?


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

Thanks, I'll have a look.
The weird (and frustrating) thing is that I can see the solution in Indi control panel and Kstars status bar. It's only Ekos that does not get it.


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

Actually, it's started again tonight, I can't get the solve results.
Is there a way to debug dbus, if this is a likely culprit?


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

Success! I installed kstars 1.8.1 and uninstalled SG Pro, and all works fine now.
Back to imaging.
Thanks, and clear skies to all.


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

Interesting, I'll try that. The weird thing is that it worked perfectly until yesterday.
The only thing I did in-between is install and play with Sequence Generator Pro -- to quickly go back to KStars/Ekos :)
Maybe that's the issue, who knows?
Unfortunately, I can't go full Linux yet, as my guide cam is not supported.


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

See below. Nothing striking I'm afraid. Note the last line, when I pressed "Stop" after about 1 min without results.

017-08-23T22:29:41.558 - DEBG - Alignment: "Capturing image..."
2017-08-23T22:29:41.604 - DEBG - Astrometry : "Astrometry solver is enabled. "
2017-08-23T22:29:41.607 - DEBG - < Astrometry >: < ASTROMETRY_RESULTS >
2017-08-23T22:29:41.652 - DEBG - Nikon DSLR DSC D5300 : "Starting 9 sec exposure "
2017-08-23T22:29:55.516 - DEBG - Nikon DSLR DSC D5300 : "Exposure done, downloading image... "
2017-08-23T22:30:44.509 - DEBG - Alignment: "Image received."
2017-08-23T22:30:44.519 - DEBG - Astrometry : "Solving image... "
2017-08-23T22:30:44.521 - WARN - Audio notification requested, but sound file from notifyrc file was not found, aborting audio notification
2017-08-23T22:31:07.510 - DEBG - Alignment: "Solver completed in 23 seconds."
2017-08-23T22:31:07.517 - DEBG - Astrometry : "Astrometry solver is disabled. "
2017-08-23T22:31:07.854 - DEBG - Astrometry : "Solver complete. "
2017-08-23T22:31:55.877 - DEBG - Alignment: "Solver aborted after 0 seconds"


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

Where do you find it on windows? Can't locate them in appdata.


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

It's happening again. I attach a screenshot showing the GUI about 1 minute after the solve completed, as well as the relevant portion of the solver logs.
As you see, all goes well, but Ekos fails to retrieve the solution.
Any idea?


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

Repeatedly, including after disconnection / re connection, reboot, etc. I also tried to upload and solve an image, same issue.
Since then, I've updated Indi, and when tried uploading and solving an image, and the solution was retrieved by Ekos.
I'll let you know tonight if the issue persists.


Philibert replied to the topic 'Re:Remote astrometry solver' in the forum. 7 years ago

I'm using the remote solver from KStars/Ekos on Windows, connecting to a RPi. Until today, everything went totally fine.
Today, the solver is launched and finds a solution, but the solution never shows in Ekos. The logs say "solver complete" (and I can verify in the logs that the solution is correctly found), but Ekos interface keeps waiting, until I finally cancel the alignment.
Any idea where this could come from, or how I could debug further?
I'm using KStars 2.8.0, build 2017-07-25T13:18:46Z, Indi library 1.5.0, no update since the last time it worked.


Philibert replied to the topic 'Altair Astro GPCAM2' in the forum. 7 years ago

Hi Luca,

Thanks for the answer. With the Linux drivers and the SDK, don't we have everything we need?
I'm afraid if we wait for Nick, we might wait for a long while...



Philibert replied to the topic 'Altair Astro GPCAM2' in the forum. 7 years ago

Could you make any headway on this driver? If not, can I be of assistance?
I'm not super-experienced in C++, but with the examples, I can probably get started.
I'd like to start using my GPCAM2 with Ekos pretty soon.


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