I have the same problem.
QHYCCD is not recognized by the updated new INDI (1.9.0).
This has also happened in Nightly Build for some time.
The following message is output.
Of course, the device is connected and powered on.
It is recognized normally in INDI version 1.8.9.
I have stopped updating to the new version.



norikyu replied to the topic 'QHY268C does not work' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you for helpful advice.

I gave up using the QHY268C on my Raspberry Pi 4.
There may be a problem with the arm64 kernel (USB module?) Or the QHYSDK.
I decided to use an Intel stick PC instead.
QHY268C works fine with Ubuntu 20.04.1 amd64 kernel and QHYSDK 20.8.26.


norikyu created a new topic ' QHY268C does not work' in the forum. 4 years ago

I'm trying the QHY268C.
QHY268C(PhotoGraphic Version) can be captured on Windows 10, but Ekos (INDI) has not succeeded in capturing.
When I capture with Ekos, I can capture the first one, but after that, the exposure is interrupted or the capture freezes.
Device I/O errors are logged in dmesg.
I want to use this camera, but it's too new and there is very little information.

I attach the Ekos log and the result of qhy_ccd_test.

File Attachment:

File Name: log_22-59-43_2020-09-15-2.txt
File Size: 463 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: qhy_ccd_test_2020-09-15-2.log
File Size: 28 KB

INDI server is as follows
RaspberryPi4 with Ubuntu 20.04.1 aarch64
INDI & Kstars are all Nightly Builds versions

Please help me.


norikyu replied to the topic 'have problem indi-gpsd' in the forum. 4 years ago

I checked the version I'm using.

indi-gpsd: arm64 / focal 0.5 ~ 202005191033 ~ ubuntu20.04.1
libindi1: arm64 / focal 1.8.6 ~ 202005180342 ~ ubuntu20.04.1

GPSD is working fine in this version.
I got the latest binaries with apt update & apt upgrade.

Is there an old indi_gpsd somewhere?

# which indi_gpsd


norikyu replied to the topic 'have problem indi-gpsd' in the forum. 4 years ago

Dear knro.
Thanks for the update.
It worked as expected!


norikyu replied to the topic 'have problem indi-gpsd' in the forum. 4 years ago

Thank you for the advice.

I am using a nightly build to validate.
Is this a problem only for me?
I checked the package version.

libindi1 is as follows:

$ apt-show-versions --allversions libindi1
libindi1:arm64 1.8.6~202005151524~ubuntu20.04.1 install ok installed
libindi1:arm64 1.8.5~202004252003~ubuntu20.04.1 focal ppa.launchpad.net
libindi1:arm64 1.8.6~202005151524~ubuntu20.04.1 focal ppa.launchpad.net
libindi1:arm64/focal 1.8.6~202005151524~ubuntu20.04.1 uptodate
It was built on 2020-05-15 and reflects a good nightly build.

indi-gpsd is as follows:
$ apt-show-versions --allversions indi-gpsd
indi-gpsd:arm64 0.5~202004201855~ubuntu20.04.1 install ok installed
indi-gpsd:arm64 0.5~202004201855~ubuntu20.04.1 focal ppa.launchpad.net
indi-gpsd:arm64/focal 0.5~202004201855~ubuntu20.04.1 uptodate
The update has stopped at 2020-04-20.
The indi-gpsd package doesn't seem to be nightly built.
It seems that the access to the library symbol is in error because it's not referencing the new library.

Similar to indi-gpsd, I found some packages whose nightly builds were not updated.These also output an error.

Is this a broken apt dependency?
I think the problem can be solved by nightly building the these package.

Thank you.


norikyu replied to the topic 'have problem indi-gpsd' in the forum. 4 years ago

When I run indi_gpsd from the command line, I get the same error.

symbol lookup error: indi_gpsd: undefined symbol: _ZN4INDI13DefaultDeviceD2Ev"
The same applies to indi_aagcloudwatcher and indi_fli_wheel.

_ZN4INDI13DefaultDeviceD2Ev seems to be a symbol defined in libindidriver.so.
I looked in libindidriver.so but the symbol is undefined.
I don't know if indi_gpds is wrong or libindidriver.so is wrong.
Maybe it seems to be referencing the wrong library definition when making the driver.


norikyu created a new topic ' have problem indi-gpsd' in the forum. 4 years ago

I have a problem that can't connect to indi-gpsd.

gpsd is working fine and I can get the info with cgps.
The version of indi-gpsd is indi-gpsd 0.5 ~ 202004201855 ~ ubuntu18.04.1 amd64.

When connecting to INDI server with Ekos, the following message is output to the log window.

Unable to establish remote device:
Please ensure remote name corresponds to actual device name.

I was able to connect without problems in the previous version.
Have there been any changes to the gpsd driver?


norikyu replied to the topic 'indi_gphoto_ccd with DSLR T7i' in the forum. 6 years ago

Hi there,
It takes time to find the camera that mirror lockup works correctly.
If we have simple commands and procedures to investigate, I think many people will try it.
I will try a new build tonight.
Thank you.


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