Mark created a new topic ' Odd guiding drift pattern in lines' in the forum. 4 years ago

Up until last night I was guiding using an ST80 and ASI224mc. My usual experience was guiding errors in the internal guider drift plot were equally scattered around the plot with equal distribution, on good nights in the green circle :)

Last night I switched guiding to a asi533mc on a redcat since I had this configuration to hand. The guide plot looked very different:

All night I had this kind of pattern of the drift. It was a T or cross at roughly the same angle, sometimes a little offset (maybe due to dither?). I'm not sure how to interpret this - in essence it means errors on each axis are in the same ratio which seems like it shouldn't happen. It's also odd that it's the result of a change in the guiding camera equipment with the same mount which with the previous gear was random, so does that indicate that it's not real?

Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.
