Mark created a new topic ' Solving a fits file' in the forum. 4 years ago

My solving works fine in normal operation. But when trying to solve the attached file I don't get a solve. The command line I'm using is copied from kstars as:

<code>/Applications/ -O reference.fits --config /Applications/ --no-plots --no-verify --resort -u app --downsample 6</code>

Turns out when I remove the --downsample 6 it works. This is set from the astrometry settings in ekos where it's set to Auto which works fine when Aligning.

Not sure how to handle this - if I turn off downsampling then my file solving will work for 'load and slew' but I'll have slowed down the working plate solving in kstars when I'm doing alignment. Any suggestions why file solving would be different here?


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