I have a relatively new installation of Lubuntu 23 (mantic). I'm getting error messages about unmet dependencies with kstar-bleeding. Here is the output:

When I run the apt --fix-broken install I get:

Thanks! Hope there's a simple answer:)


Richard Konrad created a new topic ' non-guide dither settings' in the forum. 6 years ago

I was wondering if I could get some specifics on what are the appropriate settings to enable non-guide dithering with my Celestron AVX (also using a dslr for imaging). I did a trail run in my backyard last night but I'm not sure it worked. Perhaps the dither was too minimal for my eyes to see. I have included a screen shot. Thank you!



Thanks for the quick reply. My main concern was with dithering. I don't use a guide scope and thankfully elkos now supports dithering through the mount alone. So would dithering still be possible when I'm tracking through my mount software alone?


I have the opportunity to take images in the next couple of nights but don't have time to familiarize myself with all of EKOS's features. I intend to:
-use the focussing feature (canon dslr)
- dithering with my mount (and not using a guide scope)
- queing up a sequence of images

I'm familiar with all of this and my camera and celestron avx connects successfully.(latter using "quick align setting on my mount.

I will however, for the time being, be using the "all star" alignment method to polar align (comes natively with my mount and I'm familiar with it.
Will this mess up my dithering? In short, once I connect the mount to the software, will it continue to track as I have configured or will ekos interfere with it?




Richard Konrad created a new topic ' Celestron avx' in the forum. 7 years ago

Quick question. For my celestron avx mount , do I choose nexstar or celestron gps as a driver. I haven't tested it live but both seem to basically work. Thanks!


Sorry that this may be off topic for the forum - but since it's a mainly linux body, I thought I'd ask it.....

I'm trying to find a programme that will accurately match the temperature of my dark and light frames. I use DSS under wine with success. However, the windows, "Darkmaster" which does just this, will not work under wine. Does anyone know of a similar programme for linux?




Richard Konrad replied to the topic 'camera not capturing [solved]' in the forum. 8 years ago

I discovered that my intervelometre setting (bulb timer) on magic lantern was on when I tried to connect. All is working fine now!



Richard Konrad replied to the topic 'camera not capturing' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks. I will try that. Do you think that is an issue with gphoto?


Richard Konrad replied to the topic 'camera not capturing' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks Jasem,

I followed your steps - thanks. But I'm still having the same problem. Here is a printout of the errors:

2017-02-08T17:26:17: If your camera mirror lock is enabled, you must set a value for the mirror locking duration.
2017-02-08T17:26:17: Failed to expose.
2017-02-08T17:26:16: Error downloading image from camera: Directory not found
2017-02-08T17:26:14: Starting 1 sec exposure
2017-02-08T17:26:13: If your camera mirror lock is enabled, you must set a value for the mirror locking duration.
2017-02-08T17:26:13: Failed to expose.
2017-02-08T17:26:12: Error downloading image from camera: Directory not found
2017-02-08T17:26:10: Starting 1 sec exposure
2017-02-08T17:26:08: If your camera mirror lock is enabled, you must set a value for the mirror locking duration.
2017-02-08T17:26:08: Failed to expose.
2017-02-08T17:26:07: Error downloading image from camera: Directory not found
2017-02-08T17:26:05: Starting 1 sec exposure
2017-02-08T17:26:04: If your camera mirror lock is enabled, you must set a value for the mirror locking duration.
2017-02-08T17:26:04: Failed to expose.
2017-02-08T17:26:03: Error downloading image from camera: Directory not found
2017-02-08T17:26:01: Starting 1 sec exposure
2017-02-08T17:26:00: If your camera mirror lock is enabled, you must set a value for the mirror locking duration.
2017-02-08T17:26:00: Failed to expose.
2017-02-08T17:25:59: Error downloading image from camera: Directory not found
2017-02-08T17:25:57: Starting 1 sec exposure
2017-02-08T17:25:56: If your camera mirror lock is enabled, you must set a value for the mirror locking duration.
2017-02-08T17:25:56: Failed to expose.
2017-02-08T17:25:55: Error downloading image from camera: Directory not found

Is there a way I can send you what I have selected on the indi panel? Mirror lock is not enabled.

Cheers Richard


Richard Konrad created a new topic ' camera not capturing' in the forum. 8 years ago

I'm afraid I'm having some difficulties. I have followed the new gphoto tutorial and set the appropriate options in image_info. Once in ekos the camera will not capture. I'm not sure if there is anything important I'm missing in the indi configuration. I've attached a screen shot.

Also, I'm not clear as to the order of opening up the software, devices, ekos etc. Once kstars is open, do I load my device first, then ekos? Sorry if I"m missing basic information - I've tried to follow the info the best I can.

I use magic lantern for my canon dslr. Is that compatible with ekos?



Richard Konrad replied to the topic 'dslr - image info' in the forum. 8 years ago

Thanks. I missed that.

I have filled in 4.3 under x, y, and pixel size um. I just read online that the three should be the same value unless my pixel isn't square. I'm getting an error message saying

2017-02-03T21:36:20: Error: Invalid range for CCD_MAX_X. Valid range is from 1 to 16000. Requested value is 0
2017-02-03T21:35:40: Device configuration applied.



Richard Konrad replied to the topic 'dslr - image info' in the forum. 8 years ago


Just a few issues still....I can't seem to enter any information in the image_info tab - I'm not sure why. Also I don't seem to have the auto-focus function working on the focus model. I have enable this in indi without any warning messages. I've attached a couple of screen shots for you to browse. Thanks!


Richard Konrad created a new topic ' dslr - image info' in the forum. 8 years ago


When I connect my canon dslr, I get a message that I should update my camera pixel information in the "image info" section. That section seems to be read only so I'm not sure if there is something wrong. Thanks in advance.



Richard Konrad created a new topic ' polar align on simulators' in the forum. 8 years ago

In preparation for clear nights and warmer weather (up here in Canada), I'm practicing on the ccd/telescope simulators to improve my skills operating Ekos. After getting a successful goto alignment, I attempt to polar align but get no error. Should I assume that the simulator's are perfectly polar aligned?

Thanks Richard


Richard Konrad replied to the topic 'Eqmod celestron' in the forum. 8 years ago

I guess the root of my question is, am I able to perform a goto and polar align with my Celestron AVX? Does it have to be eqmod compatible? Thanks.


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    09. 10. 1961
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    astrophotographer who wishes to use linux os