Adrian replied to the topic 'Weather radio don't want connect' in the forum. 4 years ago

Seems docSize needs to include the json part and the string storage.

For my 313 byte serial output the doc size is calculated as 152 so it is unlikely to be able to hold the information.

Weather Radio V 1.10
152 <=== Serial.println(docSize)
  "Davis Anemometer": {
    "init": true,
    "direction": 87,
    "avg speed": 0,
    "min speed": 0,
    "max speed": 0,
    "rotations": 0
  "BME280": {
    "init": true,
    "Temp": 14.42,
    "Pres": 1024.433,
    "Hum": 50.88184
  "MLX90614": {
    "init": true,
    "T amb": 14.82999,
    "T obj": 14.19