T-Studio replied to the topic 'Ekos EAA Road Map' in the forum. 1 year ago

good job for today.
I'm glad I didn't forget EAA.

I'd like you to add functions such as live stacking and camera parameter adjustment, but before that, I would like you to work on something.
A review of server driver update rules and a review of Kstar and Ekos UI when adding features.

In my current progress, I have a driver that stops working every time I update.
I would like the compatibility of the driver configuration file to be maintained so that the old rules remain even if the server or driver changes the connection rules so that users can always use the device stably.

Also, when adding EAA, I would like you to research existing EAA environments such as SharpCap and ASIlive and make it easier to use with Kstar and Ekos.

Previously, we proposed a UI that allows all operations to be performed in an independent window, but users have made useful suggestions such as adding a tab function.

I would like to see it developed in a form that is easy to use even for new users.