Jan Hruby created a new topic ' QHY9s + CFW3s' in the forum. 4 years ago

I got a new filterwheel for this camera, but I experienced a problem. When I request new filter position the wheel turns to new position as it should but INDI doesn't recognize it and keeps waiting for confirmation from camera/wheel for ever. I believe QHY9 has only unidirectional communication with CFW and before (with older CFW2) there seemed to be long timeout and then INDI just expected the filter to be ready. No error comes up.

INDI is up to date and I also tried to flash the wheel with latest firmware but no difference.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'QHY600M dont work in 1x1 bin' in the forum. 5 years ago

It works now. Thank you.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'QHY600M dont work in 1x1 bin' in the forum. 5 years ago

original file size in 1x1 bin should be 9576x6388px and file size about 120MB
binned file 2x2 is 4788x3194px and 30.6MB

attached logs, first exposure bin2x2 and second full 1x1.

File Attachment:

File Name: indi_qhy_ccd_081702.log
File Size: 373 KB

File Attachment:

File Name: log_09-16-52.txt
File Size: 781 KB


Jan Hruby created a new topic ' QHY600M dont work in 1x1 bin' in the forum. 5 years ago

Recently got this new monster. It's working under Ubuntu 16.04 x64 and 18.04 ARM but in 2x2 bin mode only.
In full resolution mode exposure is restarted after 3min of downloading and after third attempt it's aborted. Same behavior on ARM and laptop.
I tried to change some parameters (USB speed, buffer, mode1/2/3) with no effect. Works fine on win10.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'QHYSDK 4.0.1' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks but didn't help.
Maybe there is a tiny improvement - after connecting camera the temperature is updated in regular intervals while power is stable on 34% or so, but temperature oscillates around room temp (=no cooling). when I set new target temperature (or just entering "0") temperature is not read anymore and cooling power goes up through the roof resulting in rapid temp drop. driver is now SDK 4.0.11.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'QHYSDK 4.0.1' in the forum. 6 years ago

on Odroid XU4 runing ubuntu mate and updated now still QHY9s shows similar cooling behavior as described earlier.
SDK 4.0.1, not sure how to force installation of the very latest 4.0.11 mentioned above (maybe not available for ARM yet?).


Is it possible to return to some older working driver then? Some 1.5years ago QHY cameras worked just fine. Then after update QHY23 refused exposures longer than 2minutes (or so) and now this...


Not sure if it belongs here. I'm reinstalling Ubuntu Mate on my Odroid XU4 and RPi3, starts to look good but I noticed a strange behaviour of QHY9s camera.
Looks like the sensor temperature is not updated automatically, I receive relevant data after several hits of "set" button but cooling power adjusts with a delay (that's normal) leading to unpredictable temperature. example: EKOS/INDI shows 5C, 100% power and after some time of no visble change I try to update and temp is way below pre-set. Am I the only one?

As a result I noticed fog on the sensor and now trying to dry it up.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'Focuser' in the forum. 6 years ago

funny, now it started working under user too, just complains about privileges to config file which is a minor problem.

Discovered other issue with Odroid XU4 - Telescope simulator after hitting "Connect" crashes Kstars. Doesn't happen anywhere else and build is same on RPI and Odroid. I use external Lin guider but on Odroid I can use other slower guide camera as there is enough computing power compared to RPi3 and for that I need to tell indi parameters of telescopes.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'Focuser' in the forum. 6 years ago

It seems to have something to do with privileges. It didn't connect on new raspberry either but log directed me into that direction/ Didn't help as I already had access but when I run kstars as admin the focuser connects and works perfectly. I will investigate further; later.


Jan Hruby replied to the topic 'Focuser' in the forum. 6 years ago

Arduino nano moonlite focuser works fine (I'm using Silent Step Stick motor drivers), except now I'm experimenting with Odroid XU4 (more powerful Raspberry) and I can't connect it. It's detected but handshake fails. I tried to hit "Connect" several times with no success. On older RPI installations first attempt always failed but second succeeded.


I can connect ASI183MC pro on my laptop (ubuntu mate 16.04) only as root too. If I do it as a user I get immediately "[ERROR] Error connecting to the CCD (5)". As root it connects normally and works as expected. On Odroid I expanded user's rights to admin and still cannot connect.


first I thought it's download issue but when I hit "pause" instead of "stop" it keeps looping saying 'shall pause after finishing current exposure'. It doesn't even proceed to downloading step and repeats exposing the very same frame.

Rapid looping makes no difference.


Now i have other problem. Asi183mc connects, I can chance all settings but capture is looping without showing or saving anything. Can't take preview or live video either. Log doesn't show any error, exposing one frame after another until I hit stop. Can't see "downloading" message. Camera works fine on laptop. Can it do something with rights? I'm running kstars as superuser now. User cannot connect the camera on odroid.


  • Basic Information

  • Gender
  • Birthdate
    01. 01. 1970
  • About me
    B/W film enthusiast and recently also astro imaging