MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.8' in the forum. 8 months ago

Same issue with the fitsviewer solver.


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.8' in the forum. 8 months ago

I re install the OS MINT 21.1. No way, always the same issue with the internal solver !!!! Damned !

HP Elite Book 745 G6, 16 Go RAM, SSD NVME 1 To.


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.8' in the forum. 8 months ago

Yes, I tried with the fits viewer solver. I boot the HP with an another system Mint on an external USB disk. No issue with it ! So, I must re install the OS on the laptop I think.


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.8' in the forum. 8 months ago

I am going crazy with the Internal Solver that crashes after the image capture! The issue is linked with this laptop (HP Elite Book 745 G6) but I find any reason why. I replace the Kstars directory into .local/share by these of my desktop. Always the issue !
I join the log.


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.7' in the forum. 9 months ago

There is one issue on my laptop with the Internal Solver. It crashes after few seconds with back to desktop. I join the log: After launch of Ekos, directely plate solve on polaris.

On my desktop, the Internal solver runs normaly, but with the PA, after the first capture and plate solving, the second rotation goes round and round.

On the both machines, OS is Mint 21.1


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.7' in the forum. 9 months ago

Nobody have this issue with Internal Solver ?


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.7' in the forum. 9 months ago

I delete all XML files oif the simulation profil. The issue disappears !


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.7' in the forum. 9 months ago


the issue is still active with V3.6.8.


I use the internal guiding of Ekos from the begenning and I had have no problem


SO, I am just a little bit in advance ! It is a 500Go NVEM SSD.



I am running Indi/Ekos on a RPI4 from 5 years now. First with Nafabox (a french solution), then Astroberry, then Stellarmate. Recentely, I came back to Windows and NINA for some tries. Luckily it was only for some tries !

All I can say I spent many nights, only launching the session and then going to bed. I add just a wifi repeater, or CPL plug, a wifi power outlet.
So I can use either wifi or a local-link to connect with my laptop. The Ekos scheduler at the end of the session, parks the mount, colds the camera and closes Ekos.
A command in crontab stops the system and then the wifi power outlet cuts the power. On the morning, a Filezilla session copies all the frames from my RPI4 SSD to my laptop. Perhaps it would be possible to automatize this transfer but I am only a basic user of Linux and it is not a critical point for me.


MORELLI replied to the topic 'Issues with V3.6.7' in the forum. 11 months ago

I update Kstars with the last compilation. Still the same on my laptop. May be the problem is specific to this laptop, but what ?
Like the desktop it runs Mint 21.1.


MORELLI replied to the topic 'KSTARS V3.6.6 and autofocus' in the forum. 11 months ago

Clouds all the next week unfortunately ?
Wait and see.
One of my friends uses at this time V3.5.9, with the same focuser and he had no much issue with.
Damage to not be able to obtain easely and old version.


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    19. 06. 1951
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    astronomer, astro club Antony - France