Martin Rumsam replied to the topic 'Atik EFW2' in the forum. 3 years ago

Works fine direct to PC/RPi USB port although not via a USB hub.


Martin Rumsam replied to the topic 'Re:EKOS parking close to NCP' in the forum. 4 years ago

I too have experienced this with my HEQ5 Pro. My solution was to park it using the handset first then set the park position in EKOS to the current mount positino.


Martin Rumsam replied to the topic 'Moving Kstars config files' in the forum. 6 years ago

Thanks for that. Saved me a lot of time.


Martin Rumsam created a new topic ' Moving Kstars config files' in the forum. 6 years ago


I recall somewhere on this forum there was a list of all the config files that are required to allow me to move from one Linux platform to another. Anyone have the link or has it been superceeded?




Thanks for the tip. I'll give a try. Curious to know how these settings affect the camera downloads etc - also can anyone tell me what effect the timer threshold has (in the options tab)? I use a QHY5LII as a guide camera and have been having random issues with this configuration so it may also fix that as well.

Thanks - Martin


Strange one this. I can use astrometry to align with this camera and also autofocus individually but when I switch to capturing images the camera does not complete any exposures.
I have to power off the camera and restart Kstars completely as I can't abort or disconnect and reconnect the camera from indi control panel once it's in this state.

Could it be that the align / autofocus modules are not releasing the camera somehow?



Yes I believe so.

Did the usual sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get-upgrade but nothing seemed to change

I did notice this while searching GitHub in relation to the hitecastro build - not sure if it's relevant.

master Do not call saveAllConfigItem(..) and handle case where all CONFIG_PROCESS switches are off

Commit a6fc9ad
Compare e30aac2..a6fc9ad
Branch master

JM Jasem Mutlaq avatar Jasem Mutlaq authored and committed

#1499 errored
Ran for 35 min 21 sec
Total time 1 hr 40 min 38 sec
17 days ago


Hi Jaseem, I guess the update hasn't worked it's way through yet as I haven't seen a fixed driver yet.
I have a workaround for now (on Kubuntu 16.04) which entailed deleting the config file and editing the default config and loading that manually each time I start INDI.

Thanks - Martin


Having almost given up running this from the rpi I've rebuild my desktop to run as the Indi server with Kstars and Ekos.
All running well apart from (you guessed it) the Hitec DC focuser. The driver crashes when started.

I've attached the log file.

Thanks in advance.




I can't seem to find the updated driver for the focuser.
sudo apt-get update then install doesn't seem to have any new versions available.
(I can't use the s/w updater from MATE on rpi as it complains about lack of disk space)



Great thanks - I'll give it test when it's ready for update


After a bit of testing it seems to be on the RPi that the problem exists.
Running it off my Kubuntu desktop it seems to respond correctly (relative position count changes in indi control panel when focusing in or out).

RPI is running Ubuntu MATE.



I'm having a problem with the Hitech Astro DC focuser from Ekos / Indi.
Setup is rpi running kstars/ekos/indi or rpi remote indi server depending on how I'm set up.
It connects no problem however, it intermittently moves the focuser when pressing in / out buttons from Indi control panel or via joystick control. It might move it once or twice then fails to move it thereafter. Also there is quite a lag between pressing the button and the focuser actually moving.
I also noticed that I can't change the value in the relative position tab - it's stuck on 100 with a red or yellow indicator.
Would be handy to get this fixed as it's invaluable for auto focus.

Connecting via windows and using the supplied utility works fine.

Thanks - Martin


Quick Question, Is the update specific to LiteCrawler as I also have an issue where connecting to indi driver causes Kstars to shut down (QHY CCD driver) on a Linux Mint client to RPi Server after recently upgrading both systems.


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    13. 10. 1955
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    Astro photographer trying out Linux stars platform for a future observatory